Chapter 4

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"Think about it, there must be a higher love. Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above. Without it, life is a wasted time. Look inside your heart, and I'll look inside mine" - Kygo


The next morning Fiona was woken up by the sun shining bright into her room. 

Sitting up in her bed, she groaned. Her hands flying up to her throbbing head.

Looks like this was going to be a nice hangover.

Letting the events of yesterday unfold in her head, she didn't regret one thing. The night was perfect. Being back in Monaco, enjoying spending time with her friends, everything felt great at the moment.

Carefully, Fiona threw her legs over her bed and stood up. Making her way to her bathroom to get showers and ready for the day.

She made sure to take a painkiller for her headache, otherwise she knew today was going to be a disaster.

Every time Fiona got a headache, it was bad. Sometimes they would put her in bed for a whole day and every time she would try and get up, she'd get really dizzy or sometimes even sick.

On those days, there was not a painkiller in the world, that could help.

It was usually different, when she got a headache from being hungover. So hopefully, today would be as well.

Nevertheless, she made a mental note to drink as much water as she could.

After she got showered and dressed, Fiona went to her bedside table to check her phone.

She had quite a few messages from her friends.

Elena texted her to let her know, that she had to fly out early today for a job and Charles and Pierre were both texting her, that they had a great night yesterday and a lot of fun.

Fiona quickly replied to all of them before reading a message from Elle, asking her if she wanted to hit the gym with her later today.

She wasn't the most athletic person out there but from time to time Fiona enjoyed a good workout. She figured after a night out, it was not a bad idea to hit the gym for a couple of hours.

Texting her best friend back, they made plans to meet in front of their local gym at noon.

Looking at the time, Fiona still hat a couple of hours to kill, so she decided to go to her parents office and have a look through their data base. It was time for her to start looking for an apartment.

In Monaco a lot of places where within walking distance, as was her parents office. Which is why she decided to walk over there.

Fiona put on some white Nike sneakers and her sunglasses. She grabbed her purse, quickly checking if it contained all of the necessities and left her parents house.

Making her way through the streets of Monaco, Fiona felt like she never left. Nothing much changed over the years and she instantly felt at home again.

After about ten minutes of walking, Fiona arrived at her parents office.

Walking in, she was greeted by Carola, one of her parents long time employee who was working the front desk.

„Fiona, it's so good to see you again," the mid aged women greeted her „What brings you here? Your parents told me you weren't properly starting until the end of the summer."

„Hello Carola, nice to see you too," she greeted the woman „You're right, I will. I'm here because I wanted to start looking for an apartment for myself and I thought what better way to do it, then here."

„That's a really good idea. You can use your office. Your parents already had me set it up for you. It's the corner office next to your mother's. Let me know if you need anything."

„Thank you. I will," she told her and made her way through to her designated office.

Stepping through her office door, Fiona was greeted with simple office set up. Just like any other office in the firm. It hat slick white walls, with some calming art works hanging on them.

A large brown oak desk in one corner, with two stools in front of it. In the other corner, there was a small conference table with four stools around it.

Some plants here and there made the space welcoming.

Fiona took a seat at her desk and started up the computer. She logged onto her account, which was already set up for her years ago, when she started to occasionally help out.

Looking through the listings, Fiona founds some really interesting ones. Some buildings she already knew. So she decided to book times lots to visit a couple of them for later that day.

She was confident, that one of those two apartments would be the right choice for her, since she already saw different ones in their buildings.

Shutting off the computer, Fiona looked at the time on her phone screen. She had to meet up with Elle in 45 minutes, so she quickly grabbed all of her stuff, said goodbye to Carola and made her way back home to change into her workout clothes.

Arriving 40 minutes later, Fiona had a couple of minutes to kill as Elle wasn't there yet. She decided to take a seat at one of the benches in front of the gym, overlooking the sea.

Beautiful Monaco, everywhere you went, there was a stunning view.

Hearing some familiar voices, Fiona turned around. Only to see Charles and Pierre leaving the Gym.

Both of them looking sweaty. Clearly they had a good workout.

„Fancy seeing you here," Pierre said, as the boys had made their way over to her and took a seat across from her.

„I'd give you both a hug but looking at you two I think I'm good," she laughed „How was your workout?" she asked them.

Charles let out an exhausted breath. „It was good, even though that one here nearly killed me"

„I'd prefer to have you both alive and not die of exhaustion because you worked out too hard," she replied.

Pierre laughed. „It's not my fault Charles is a so weak."

Fiona smirked, obviously both of them had to be really fit to drive in Formula One at the level they did. Still, if they'd be compared to each other, Pierre as always bin the more athletic and muscular one. It was just the way he was build.

Which did not mean that Charles wasn't fit. Oh no. To her, he was the best looking man out there.

„Anyway," the Monegasque said „are you going in or did you decide to skip your workout and enjoy the view out here?"

„I'm waiting for your cousin. You know her, always late", she rolled her eyes just as her friend was walking around the corner.

„Hey everyone," she greeted them „Sorry I'm late. I run into a friend. He said there's a party a LeRouge tonight. I thought we could go?" Elle looked at her friends with hopeful eyes.

LeRouge was one of Monacos night clubs. It was their typical place to go for a night out.

„Another flirt you got going on there?," Charles asked his cousin with a smirk on his face to which she was quick in flipping him off. Elle was known to always have another guy to keep her busy with, never getting into a serious relationship.

„Oh shut up, pretty boy. You wanna come or not? Party starts at ten."

Charles looked at Fiona „You wanna go?," he asked her.

„Sure, why not. Haven't been there in ages. I'm not going to drink though, that's for sure. Still nursing the hangover from yesterday."

„If you're in, I'm in," he told them and Pierre nodded as well.

„Great!" Elle exclaimed „Now let's leaves these two here and get to work." And with that Elle pulled her friend up and towards the entrance of the gym.

Fiona only managing to call a quick goodbye to the boys.

She'd see them later that day anyway.


AN: Let me know what you think! x

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