Chapter 11

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"Cause once you're a dreamer, you're always a dreamer" - Dreamer, Sunrise Avenue


„Hey Mum," Fiona stepped through the front door of her parents house and gave her mother a hug. 

„Hi Sweetie, it's so good to see you. Dad and I missed you."

She smiled. „I missed you too. Where is Dad?"

„He's already outside on the terrace. Let's go over there," her mother suggested.

Fiona nodded and followed the older women outside to greet her father.

It was a beautiful warm day in Monaco. It had been a week since she returned from France and today she was joining her parents for lunch. Other than the occasional FaceTime call, she hadn't seen her parents since she moved back to Monaco.
Since both of them were in town for a few days before having to head out for business again, they were making the best out of the time they had together and took the chance to catch up.

The Russo house was located on one of the few properties in the country, that allowed to have space for a garden. Something rather unusual, as there were mostly large apartment buildings suited in the country.

She always loved her parents garden. It's been her safe place throughout her entire childhood. Back when she used to live here, she had spent all of her free time outside.
Stepping out of the kitchen and onto the wood floored terrace, she could overlook the space beautifully. There was a pool situated to her left and a beautiful apple tree to the far right corner. It made up the perfect reading spot, having a bench placed underneath it.

Walking over to her dad, Fiona greeted him with a quick hug as well, before sitting down next to her mother at the table in front of her.

„How was your business trip, anything interesting happen?" She asked her parents.

Her father smiled softly „It was good, we've completed a couple of deals in Barcelona and closed up on some possible listings in Milan. Maybe next time you can come with us, to oversee the building process. We could visit your grandparents in Rome as well."

„That sounds really great Dad. I'd love that."

He seemed content with her answer and Fiona was happy that he trusted her enough to invite her along to such events.

„Enough about that trip, we can talk about it some more later on," her mum chirped in. „I want to hear all about your trip to France. We're so happy you finally went to a race again. How was it?"

Fiona couldn't help but smile brightly at the mention of her trip „It was honestly so amazing. I mean I was anxious the whole time but it was so great to be back in the paddock and to see all the action. It was just like old times. And I think I might fly out to see some more races this year. Monza for sure I guess."

Her parents kept on asking all kinds of questions about her weekend in France and Fiona was fine to tell them all about it, as they were genuinely really happy for her.
Well... she didn't actually tell them all of it. But that was okay, parents didn't have to know everything, even though she was very close with hers.

So she left out how her moment with Pierre was captured and posted by Kym Illmann for the whole world to see and speculate over. She also left out her time spent with Charles in his room. How she could've sworn they were moments away from sharing a kiss. How she broke down in his arms an hour later and how she fell asleep in those same arms.

Waking up in his arms the next morning, was the best feeling ever. Even though she was quick to panic. Thinking she kept him from getting enough good sleep after an exhausting weekend. She was also a little bit panicked, that he was annoyed at her for falling asleep in his bed.

When she tried to bold out of his room, Charles was quick to keep her. He assured her he would have said something if he didn't want her to be there and that he had a great time.
Describing the butterflies that erupted in her stomach as he told her that was impossible. She was over the moon. Maybe there was a chance that her feelings were being reciprocated after all.

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