Chapter 8

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"I will keep you day and night, here until the day I die. I'll be living one life for the two of us. I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me. I'll be living one life for the two of us. Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone. Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favourite song. I know you'll be looking down. Swear I'm gonna make you proud. I'll be living, one life for the two of us" - Two Of Us, Louis Tomlinson

Elle and Fiona arrived at their hotel room in Le Castellet with a good three hours to go until free practice one would start. It gave them enough time to briefly unpack and freshen up before taking the short trip to the track.

Fiona took a quick shower, washing away the sweat of their drive up to France. If she had to be honest with herself, she had to say she hoped for the water to wash away her nerves as well.
It didn't quite work the way she wanted it to. The only effect was that she felt maybe a little less tense afterwards.

It didn't clear her mind though. Her head was spinning with all kinds of thoughts.
Up until now, she was surprised that she actually did a good job containing her nerves.

With every passing minute that got her closer to their arrival on track, it got harder for her to keep a clear mind.
She was glad, she was with Elle. That girl knew her better than anyone else. Which is why she let Fiona be with her thoughts, trying not to bother her.
Elle knew what Fiona deep down knew as well. She would get through this and it would eventually get easier.
She just needed to get through it first. Get over the hard part before she could start reconnecting with the sport she used to love so much.

However, knowing this, it didn't make it any easier, as the memories oft hat day came floating back to her mind over and over again and eventually, she couldn't stop them from surfacing anymore.

Spa-Francorchomps, 31st August 2019 - Belgian Grand Prix, Formula 2 Feature Race

Fiona was sitting on her couch in her London apartment. Her notebook was seated on her lap. She didn't get much work for uni done though. Her focus was mostly on the TV screen in front of her. It was a somewhat beautiful sunny Saturday in the capital of England. Probably one of the last nice summer days before autumn would slowly start to creep it's way in.
It was one oft he things she missed the most about Monaco. The weather in the southern european principality was much nicer all year around.

Sighing, she put the notebook onto her couch table. She had to accept that she wasn't gonna get any work done.
Her mind was too focused on her tv, where the formula two race was about to begin.

Fiona was happy to finally have the time to watch one of Anthoines races. It was already hard to catch all of the formula one races with her busy schedule. Watching the formula two races was even harder, since they were mostly in the early mornings, when she was attending classes. There was no use thinking about attending one in person right now. Not for a couple of weeks, She was drowning in uni work.

The only upside at the moment was, she didn't have any classes to attend for the next couple of weeks. Right now she had to write some assignments, which they were allowed to work on from home.

If everything works out well, she might be able to fly out to Monza.

She felt sad. Ever since she was a little girl, she loved attending the races. At first it was only karting and their home races in Monaco. However when the boys graduated to the higher junior categories and whenever she didn't have to be at school, her and Elle went and supported them every chance they got.

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