Chapter 12

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"You're just a daydream away. I wouldn't know what to say if I had you. And I'll keep you a daydream away. Just watch from a safe place, so I never have to lose" - A Daydream Away, All Time Low


Tuesday night came faster than Fiona would've liked. Fiona had spent the entire day nervously obsessing about this evening. She even went as far as cleaning up her place not only once, but twice.

She was full on stressing out about seeing Charles and being alone with him. It didn't feel like all of the times before. Maybe she was just imagining things, but somehow it felt as though things between them had shifted.

The brunette hoped it wasn't just all in her head. She was almost certain that there was something else going on. At least to her it felt as if the air between them had gotten more electrocuted over the past couple of weeks.

There were a lot more looks shared between the two of them. Touches that weren't there before. At least not like they were lately. And they certainly never came close to kissing.

Of course then there was also the fact that they spent that night in France wrapped up in each others arms.
It wasn't the first time that they shared a bed. No, from having sleepovers when they were younger to crashing at each others places after parties, it was nothing new for them.

What never happened though was them being tangled up like that.

A week later and she still couldn't describe what she felt when she woke up in Charles arms.
It had been something she dreamed about a lot over the past few years. Ever since she realized she had real feelings for her friend.
Even her wildest imaginations didn't prepare her for how good it would actually feel. It sounded cheesy, but in his arms Fiona felt at home and ever since leaving his bed that morning, she longed to feel like that all over again.

Perhaps it was time to take a leap and just tell him how she felt. Pierre had been trying to get her to do just that ever since he found out about her feelings.
Who was she kidding, she would most likely chicken out again. Too scared to ruin their friendship.

If there was one thing she didn't want to risk, it was the friendship they had. It would always come before any feelings she had. And if it came down to it, she would just have to suck it up in order to not risk loosing him.

Over the day, Fiona went from being excited to see Charles, to almost calling their get together off and being excited again in a matter of minutes. She felt like she had to give herself a pep talk for a date. Maybe this was a date.

Some time this afternoon she had texted Charles, asking him if he was up to making some dinner together and if they had to make something specific due to his diet.

She didn't want it to be awkward between them, seeing as something definitely changed when they were around each other. Which is why she thought having something to do, would make it easier to get the evening started. At hopefully calm her nerves.

Charles had agreed almost instantly and offered to get the ingredients for a simple chicken and rice dish.

It was now almost six pm, which meant Charles was due to arrive at any moment.

Fiona took one last glance at herself in the mirror. She had been stressing about her outfit for the past hour.
After changing for about ten times, she finally decided to just keep it casual, realizing that anything else would simply be weird and throw him off.

She had put on some black biker shorts and pulled an oversized band shirt over her head. It was a white All Time Low shirt she got at one of their concerts back in London.

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