Imagine if schools don't exist and summer would be the best example of the word 'forever'? Sure that would be great, for every student like me.
I used to love summer. Every joy rides, outings, waves of laughter and the splash of the salty, beach water. Every April, my Instagram account is full of my selfies wearing my bikini with #summer #fun, one of my followers even told me that even though I have the perfectly shaped body I still don't have the freaking rights to post my body every second. The hell I care? I'm doing what I want and they don't have the effin' rights to meddle with my effin' business. If they don't wanna see my posts, then unfollow me. Jeez.
But then in just a blink of an eye. I became too damn tired of loving it, to the point that I fell under the category of hating it to its utmost level.
It was because of my best friend, partner-in-crime and my only little sister-Julie Summers that committed suicide last April 2. My mom says, she's a bummer to the family but who the hell wouldn't commit suicide when someone founds out that her boyfriend doesn't love her and she's not really a part of the effin' family she thought she belonged?
That's right, she's not really my sister and her boyfriend's a damn jerk for leaving her.
"Too many problems to take equals suicide." Those were her last words.
She hated her surname, she hated summer. She hated Jackson Ford. She hated Emma Summers-the only one who tried to understand her, the only person who listened to her drama. And that is me.
She's effin' selfish. She only cared about herself and not what other people surrounding her would feel if she left us. But I couldn't blame her, Jackson and my mom devastated her.
I could've slapped her way too hard when she told me that she hates me because my surname is effin' Summers. But I tried to understand her. I tried to listen to her tear-jerker speech before she slit her wrist.
I did have the chance to stop her. But, that effin' little devil whom I used to love, killed herself before I could stop her.
If her life became miserable. Then mine must be, too and I already have a reason.
My ONLY best friend killed herself, left me and made me cry for millions of times. I became miserable, I became lonely. And my life sucked. I even tried to freaking kill myself but for what? To follow her wherever she is right now? Hell, no way.
People would say, I shouldn't be punishing myself just because Julie killed herself for she wouldn't be happy every time she watches me above the clouds, in heaven.
Are they effin' kidding me? Like what the hell, guess what? The possibility of schools not existing and a #ForeverSummer is already real.
Why? Since, she's on a very hot summer vacation...forever—in hell.