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Can't believe we got to 19k like almost 20k! Can you believe it? Bcs I can't.
Thank you so much guys it means the world.

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Wk: 1.7k

Mike pov:

"JOSH!" I ran behind him to catch him across the hallway.
He turned around and sighed seeing me.
Once I was next to him I took his arms and pulled him into an empty classroom.
He groaned and pulled away from my grip, walking away from me.
"Don't start" He said and leaned against a table putting his head in his hand.
"Don't start? Really? You realise what you did to her Josh? You saw the fucking marks on her neck? What is wrong with you!" I snapped at him.
"I am sorry ok?! I got carried away." He explained keeping his head in his hand.
"Carries away? Josh, we live a life where being carried away is death ok?" I sat next to him on the table.
"We have a job, Josh. And you went too far. This girl, she is not her father ok? It's written all over her face that she has been through so much shit. You can't just abuse her like th-" I explained but he cut me off turning his head at me.
"It wasn't abuse"
I sighed "The mark on her throat speaks for themselves, Josh. It was an abuse of power and strength. You almost choked her until she fainted, she threw up after this." He sighed and I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Listen, our dads just asked us to keep an eye on her and now that we have a deal with her mom too it's gonna be easier, but it's still her mom Josh. If she finds out you are responsible you are going to have some problems with your dad." It fell silent for a moment but then he cleared his throat and nodded.
"You'll always be the wise one of the family" He smiled at me.
"And you will always be my trouble maker of a cousin, dickhead." I chuckled.
"I am sorry I punched you though." I joked.
"Nah it's cool man"
He stared at me with this look. I know it by heart.
"Her mom-" He started but it's my turn to cut him off.
"Yeah I know..." I let out a loud sigh. "... she's gonna ruin her life.".


Tom pov:

"And here is your mission" my dad told me, showing me the folder.
I sighed and took it.
Ok what do we have?

Name: Armando Silenti.
Age: 45
Wife: Fiona Silenti
Age: 29
Kids: none

And on and on. Basically, he is suspected of firearms trafficking and of having organised several assaults against secret government forces in recent years.


"Ok how do you want me to catch him?" I asked my dad, throwing the folder on the table in front of me.
I was confused when he started chuckling.
"Oh boy, you think I am going to let you go on a mission like this? Catch 'the big guy' after what you pulled in America?" He explained laughing.
"No you don't get to go on the big mission." He leaned on his hands on the table and looked me dead in the eyes.
"You are going to do the only thing you apparently can and distract and bring to another room his wife, Fiona."
"What do you mean ' do the only thing I apparently can' ?"
I knew very well what he meant, and there was no way I was going to do that.
"Oh come on Tom, distract her, sleep with her, have fun, it's all you care about doing on your mission anyways."
I got up and slammed my hands against the table.
"Is that really all you think of me?"
He sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. "Tom, I-"
"Is that how low you think of me?" I asked getting closer to him.
"Tom it's not w-"
"Not what you meant?" I don't know why, but my father, looking at me with disappointment, and hearing that this was all he thought of me, touched me deeply and I couldn't help but get teary-eyed.
"Then what did you mean dad? You think I don't know you are disappointed? You think I don't know you wish I was like you?" I asked and tears blurred my vision as he looked away from me.
"Well guess what? I don't want to be like you. I don't want to be more interested in my job than my family, and I don't even have a family yet. You, you have four sons, and I am pretty sure you can't even tell when it's our birthdays."
"It has nothing to do with this, Tom. It's the fact that you can't follow simple orders." He snapped at me avoiding the discussion about him being a shit father all those years.
"I am always picking up after you, it's tiring. You can't follow orders, you are asked not to sleep or get emotionally involved with your mission and what do you do? You sleep with this fucking kid who is 5 years younger than you and that just prostitue herself over her teacher -"
My whole body was seized with a sudden anger and I looked at him with murderous eyes.
"What did you just say?" I walked closer to him until our chests were brushing against each other.
"You fucking watch your mouth when you talk about her."
He was about to say something but I cut him off.
"And if I'm such a burden to you, you just should have cut me off a long time ago." I turned around and picked up the file that was on the table walking closer to the door.
"Oh and dad?" I said and turned around.
"You are the one who brought me here and made me become who I am. Remember, I never asked for this."
And with that I slammed the door shut and walked away from his office.


When I got to my flat, I threw the files and my jacket on the table. My dad pissed me off. I haven't heard from Y/n ever since I left, she said she was going to call me but she didn't.

I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water and headed into the living room.
When I turned on the light my heart skipped a bit when I saw a man sitting on my couch. It took me a couple seconds but when he lifted his head I saw Harrison, with tears in his eyes.
I didn't say anything. I just walked forward and stood in front of him.
He has balls showing up here after what he did.


"Why were you at Y/n's?" I asked and his eyes widened.
"I don't know how you know Luke because Y/n didn't tell me anything about meeting with you again after the bar."
"I- I didn't know he was her brother? We met at a... bar?" He is lying.
"Haz I know when you are lying" He sighed and buried his face in his hand and groaned loudly.
"I am on a mission, the Smith is my mission. I should have told you I am sorry." He let out in one long breath.
"What no, I am in charge of this mission." I protest. Why would they send two agents?
"No, aren't you supposed to get close to some girl in college?"
"Haz, Y/n's the girl, but I don't believe you, it's not possible. I mean, w-why, why would my dad send two agents on the same mission?" I shouted at him.
"Because I didn't" Someone said behind us, we both looked at him and my dad was standing there looking murderly at Harrison.

"Agent Osterfield, I never assigned you to this mission, you actually don't have any mission at the moment " My dad asked and I saw Haz tense up.
"Haz?" I called him and he looked at me with fear.
"I'm so sorry" He said he pulled out the gun from his bet and pointed it at me and signalled my dad not to move.
We slowly got up and I raised my hands.
"Harrison what are you doing?" I asked, looking him in the eyes as I saw tears peeking from them.
"I-I didn't mean for any of this to happen Tom, I promise" He cried and I saw my dad slowly pull out his gun.
"Harrison put the gun down" I said calmly, scared that my dad may shoot my best friend, best friend who is threatening me with his gun, and who lied to me, and who maybe in some kind of deep shits.
"I can't." He said and asked me to walk in front of him as he walked up to the front door.
Once he reached the door he grabbed my car keys from my back pocket and ran to it, getting in and driving away.
My dad joined me at the door as we watched my car drive away.
"You always had a problem trusting the right person" My dad complained.
"Well you chose to have his dad as your best friend, then you forced me into this agency where he was the only other kid there. So I didn't really have a choice" I snapped back at him still looking at the horizon.
"Touché." My dad laughed. "He is a good kid, he just make bad choices"
"I know dad, I know"

I make a sign with my hands for him to stand up. He was hesitant but eventually did.
I took a deep breath and then threw my water in his face.
"That's for threatening me with a gun." He made a 'fair enough' look and then looked back in my eyes.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around him, taking him by surprise.
"And that is for coming back to me." He relaxed in my arms and hugged me tight.
We pulled away and I realised the water I threw at him soaked my shit.
"Ok next time, hug first, then I throw the water." He chuckled
"Yeah, next time you do that."
"I think we need to talk Haz."

(A/n: sorry abt my slow update again. Kinda having a hard time at the moment so writing is complicated. The next chapter is longer though.
~• eat 🌸
~• drink 🌺
~• and dm are always open 🪷
~• Love you all 🫶🏻
El ✨✨)

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