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Y/n pov:

I take deep breaths as the Uber driver taps his fingers against the wheel.
"Miss?" He asks. I couldn't take Tom's car nor Luke's. I am supposed to be home. I really need my own car.
"Miss we've been here for about fifteen minutes, I got work to do- "
"Hey can't you give me second? I am risking my life tonight, so you zip it!"

Don't play with my nerves when I am angry, anxious or in need of vengeance.

Or hungry.

After another long ten minutes I finally get out of the car, and the second the door is close the guy takes off.
Probably feared I would come back in again. Understandable.

I feel the end of my dress moving because of the wind brushing when it comes across its way. I look up at the road in front of me. I told the Uber driver to not go any further. I look back down at my heels and warp my coat further around me.
Deep breaths.
And out
It's going to be alright; I am going to be alright.

I take my first steps toward the building like the adrenaline that settle in me. I am not backing away from this. The closer I get, the angrier I am. Knowing my mom is in there. Why do I even still call her my mom? My parent should be labelled as 'the egg donor/ the incubator and the incompetent/ the coward.'
Anyways that is not the point. I am going to kick her egg donor ass anyway.

When I get at the entrance people are already walking in, showing their ID to a security guard at the entrance. He types something in his data base and then nod letting them in. As I step further towards the entrance two black van in the distance catch my attention, they just pass far away from me, on the road and disappear behind the buildings. I shake off the weird feeling I have and step on the red carpet leading to the entrance.

When I get to the security guard, I hand him my ID and he types in the data base. What he is actually doing is not checking if I am on the list, but just checking if I am part of any known mafia. Which I was not when my dad was in command, but when I started looking for my mother, I made sure to write my name next to Luke's to principal owner of our Mafia. So technically I am working with my brother and we both lead one of the strongest mafias. Great, isn't it?
He looks up at me and his eyes goes up and down and he frowns. I know he is wondering how I ended up being at the head of the mafia.
"Good evening, Miss, enjoy."
He finally says handing me my ID and then taking a step back so I can walk through the door.

The building is very large, but the ball room isn't, so that probably means that there is more ball room in the back. I look in the corner of the room. One guard in each room. And up at the ceiling. Camera catching our every move.
I am pretty sure every man in the room is armed. And some woman. But most so the ladies here are just with those man for a good fuck or -and- money. I look around the room, trying to find a familiar face. Until I spot one.

What. The. Actual. Fuck!

I don't really know how I ended up behind him, my legs probably walked me there on their own.
I don't care, what is he doing here?
I walk next to him at the counter and ask the bartender for glass of champagne. He doesn't look up for his glass and look like he is lost in deep thought.

"Of all people I thought I would see tonight; I didn't think you would be here." His head jerks up and his brow are frown until he takes in the feature on my face and his eyes widen.
"Y/n? W-what are you doing here?" He looks behind him and around the room and take a protective step closer to me.
"Oh hi, it's nice to see you too Harrison" I stumble a little backward and his arm comes to wrap around my waist, and he start to pull me away.
"W-wh-" I start and I notice the earpiece in his ear and the small cable passing behind his ear and going under his suit.
"Harrison, stop!" I tell him and halt him coming to stand in front of him.
"What is going on with you?" I ask him.
"Y/n please, you can't be here" He bring his fingers to his earpiece.  And turn his head to look around the room. "We have a problem-" he says but before he can say anything a red dress catches my attention and I push him out of the way as he stops talking and follow my gaze.

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