bonus chapter | forty one

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hey everyone 🥰 i am here with a bonus chapter it's just fluffy and takes place during tyler and december's honeymoon

"Are you ready?" Tyler called from the bathroom in our hotel room. The door was wide open, and he was getting ready in front of the mirror as I continued to lay on the bed. We were on our honeymoon and staying in a nice resort by the beach. It was beautiful, but I was just so exhausted from our long day that I couldn't bother to get up right now. "Deci?" he called once again.

"Huh?" I replied, looking up at Tyler as he exited the bathroom.

"You aren't even ready!" He exclaimed with amusement, letting out a small laugh as he spoke.

"No, I'm ready," I countered back. I still didn't get up off of the bed though. We were going out to dinner, and although I always looked forward to going out to eat with him, I just kinda wanted him to myself at the moment. I wanted to cuddle with him.

I wasn't quite sure why the urge to hug him was so strong, because I had been doing exactly that for the entirety of our honeymoon so far. I'd been squeezing his body close to mine every night we went to sleep, and hugging his arm whenever he sat beside me. I just wanted more of it. More of him.

I watched him as he went over to his suitcase, pulling out a button down shirt. His back was turned to me as he started to take off the t-shirt that he was currently wearing. I couldn't help but stare as he pulled the shirt over his head and the muscles in his back became more pronounced. His skin was so tan, so smooth. I wanted to touch it. Once the shirt was off, he threw it to the side, and just before he could put on the button down, I stopped him.

"Don't," was all that I said to him. He twisted around so that I could see his face.

"Don't what?" He asked with a giggle, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Don't put the shirt on?"

"Yeah," I replied, starting to smile as I realized how ridiculous I was sounding. I had seen him without a shirt on all week, especially since we were on a beach, yet I somehow just couldn't get enough of it. "Come here." I put my arms out, trying to hint to him that I just needed to hold him.

He let out a breathy laugh as he walked over to me. "I want food!" He complained, sitting down beside me on the bed.

"But I want you," I said, reaching out and grabbing his bare shoulders in an attempt to make him lay down beside me.

"You can have me after dinner. I'm hungry," he stated. He stared down at me as if he were waiting for me to get up, which I wasn't going to do.

"But I want you now. Just lay down!" I demanded jokingly, pulling his shoulders down. He sighed as he gave in, lying on his side and facing me. Then I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into me, making sure that his body was pressed right up against mine. I let my hands travel from his neck to his back, messaging and rubbing in between each dip and shoulder blade.

"So you did all this to rub my back?" He asked, snaking his own arms around my torso.

"It looked so perfect. I had to touch it," I admitted, continuing to run my fingertips along the shape of his back. Each curve and turn was so mesmerizing to feel. I wasn't sure how I was ever going to stop now.

Since his face was already hovering right in front of mine, he moved an inch to place a kiss on my cheek. And then I started to see his pink lips curve into a smirk. That was when he leaned in again, peppering kisses all around my face. When he pressed one on the corner of my mouth, he pulled back, resuming his position and looking back at me as if nothing had just happened.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, pretending to be offended.

"What?" He replied, feigning innocence, even though he knew exactly what he did.

"You don't get to do that," I said.

"Why not?"

Instead of replying, I sent him a pointed look, expecting him to give me what I wanted. Thankfully he listened, and he pressed his lips against my own. I tried to continue it, to keep going in for more, but he stopped me.

"We have to eat dinner. After, okay?" He spoke in a soft voice, getting up from the bed, my hands slipping off of his back as he did so. I grunted as I sat up, knowing that he was being reasonable and that we needed to get to the restaurant. However, that still didn't stop me from gazing intently at him as he picked up the button down shirt and put each of his beautifully toned arms in.

"Let me button it for you," I offered as I quickly stood up from the bed.

"I can't believe you," he joked.

I made sure to drink in the way his chest looked with the shirt hanging from both sides before I started doing the bottom button. I let my hands trail up his body as I did so, because I just couldn't resist the feeling of his skin against my fingers. I left a few of the buttons at the top undone, because I thought he looked charming that way.

I then leaned up to fix his hair, fluffing it up and brushing it with my fingers so that it'd feather over his forehead. I took a step back and admired him, the way that his chocolatey eyes matched his hair, and how it made him all the more adorable. I couldn't believe that he was my husband. That he was truly mine, and that I could be this close to him forever.

"Finished?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said with a smile.

Later that night, when we had finished dinner and arrived back at our hotel, the first thing that I did was throw myself onto the bed. I was still so tired, and I couldn't wait for the moment that Tyler would finally decide to lay down beside me. He had gone into the bathroom, so I was impatiently waiting for him. When he came out, I sent him a big smile, hoping he'd take that as a hint to come over to me.

To my satisfaction, he did. But instead of lying beside me, he jumped on top of me and let his head rest on my chest. "Is this what you wanted?" He asked jokingly. I could feel the vibrations of his voice through the fabric of my shirt.

"Sure," I replied, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tight against myself.

After a few seconds of him silently laying on top of me, he spoke again. "I kinda wanna change into something more comfortable."

"You go do that," I said, letting him escape my grasp. He got up and I resumed my staring from earlier, watching as he sorted through clothes to pick out a pair of sweatpants.

As he unzipped his black jeans and pulled them off, he sent me a smirk. I couldn't help the smile that plastered itself onto my face.

"Lots of staring today, huh?" He asked with a chuckle, stepping into the sweatpants.

"I'm not trying to be weird. You're just really pretty," I complimented him. It was true. It didn't matter what he was wearing, he was just constantly alluring and breathtaking. I couldn't get enough of him, despite the fact that we had known each other for so long.

"Not as pretty as you, though," he countered, pulling off his shirt. I assumed that he had finished changing and decided to go shirtless, because he came back over to the bed and laid on top of me, once again. He felt so cuddly with his soft sweatpants on, and the warmth from his chest seeping onto my own.

My hand soothingly glided up and down his back, and his fingers traced patterns over my arms. His touch was still electrifying to me, still as powerful as it had always been. We each continued our motions in silence for a while, until I felt his lips against my neck, causing my hand to freeze on his back. His kiss was feather soft and light, hardly there, yet still so captivating. He continued those tiny kisses along my neck up to my face, where he pressed his mouth against my own.

He kissed me more passionately now, causing me to tighten my grip on his back, his warm skin bunching beneath my fingers. Our lips continued to move in sync together, and then suddenly I was being flipped over. Tyler was now below me, giggling in between kisses as he held me firmly in his arms.

"Now I get to hug you," he said, squeezing me against him. My face was against his bare chest now, so I accepted his embrace and nuzzled into him. Now that it was quiet again, I decided to trace the outline of his tattoos, rubbing over the ink and admiring the beauty of them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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