one | there i was

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heeeey! welcome to my new story. just to be clear, this is based off of The Selection by Kiera Cass

also, please vote and comment. thank you

enjoy :))

I sat on the edge of my bed, the pastel blue comforter feeling soft against my legs. I stared out of the window, lost in my own thoughts, until a bright light shot across the sky. At first, my brain processed it as an airplane, but I knew for a fact that they were never that bright. I quickly jumped up, running to the window and kneeling down to get a closer look.

It was a shooting star. I had never actually seen one before, so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. I remembered the saying that you were supposed to make a wish when you saw one, but I obviously knew that it wasn't true. However, I was the type of person who was obsessed with dreams and fairytales, so I couldn't help myself from making a wish. Even if I knew it wouldn't do anything on my part.

I thought about it. What did I really want? What was really something worth wishing for? I could have said money, and although my siblings and I did need that, it was too basic and wouldn't fulfill my hopes and dreams.

I didn't want an object, more like a person. Someone who could be a friend to me. Someone who could bring me joy and make me laugh.

I wanted an angel.

After silently making my wish, I picked my chin up that was resting on the window sill and stood up. I walked across my shaggy turquoise rug and opened the door to my room, emerging into the living room.

My sister was in the kitchen, making dinner for me, our brother, and herself. She probably hadn't even noticed I walked in.

The small TV was on, but the volume was so low it was inaudible. The Report was on, basically the news channel for everyone in this country. At the bottom of the screen, it read "important announcement." I quickly sat on the couch and picked up the remote that rested on the cushion next to me, and pressed the button to higher the volume.

The king was on the screen, along with the queen and their eldest son, Prince Tyler. The prince resembled his father greatly, being that they had the same hair and eye tones. In fact, the prince looked very much alike all of his siblings, who weren't being shown on camera at the moment.

"We are very excited to announce that Prince Tyler has come of age, and he is now ready to find his future wife through the next Selection," The king spoke proudly. The Selection. It was held for every prince who became old enough to have a coronation and rule the kingdom. The prince had just turned twenty one last week, so it was no doubt that everyone saw this coming.

The Selection was a process that our kingdom had always used for future kings to find their wife. Thirty five girls would be picked to go to the palace out of the millions that apply. Of course, there were requirements. For example, you had to be sixteen or older, yet either the same age or younger than the prince himself. And since I was nineteen, it seemed to be the perfect time to sign up.

"Letters have been sent out to every eligible household. If you wish to apply, fill out the forms and bring it to your local postal center within a week. The prince is very excited to meet every lovely lady who will be joining us in the palace!" The king exclaimed, a smile on his face. Prince Tyler, who stood beside his mother, was smiling too but he looked rather nervous. I wouldn't blame him. If I was the prince and had to showcase myself in front of the entire country, I would have been scared too.

Once the king was done speaking, I turned down the volume again, losing interest in whatever they were talking about next. I was too busy thinking about the Selection.

Maybe I should try to apply, I thought to myself. I had to. Just a few minutes before, I had wished for an angel. What were the chances that this announcement came on right after my wish, and at the exact moment I decided to leave my room? Maybe this was my shot at getting the one thing I desired more than anything else.

"I'm going to apply," I spoke my thoughts aloud, catching my sister's attention. She looked at me with her emerald eyes from behind the kitchen counter, complete confusion written on her face.

"Why?" She asked, looking back down towards the counter so that she could continue cutting whatever it was that she was making. I should make it clear, my sister loved to cook and bake. Whether it be something simple or difficult, she just found joy in doing it. Which was a total plus for me and my brother. We didn't have to make anything ourselves.

"Because!" I exclaimed happily and way over dramatically. "Why shouldn't I?"

She sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know, maybe because you don't even care for the prince? I mean, seriously. You have never talked about him," she pointed out. Well, she was right. I never did talk about him.

"Maybe I'll care for him when I meet him," I responded.

The truth was, I really didn't have any interest in him. I mean, other than the fact that he was cute and seemed really nice on camera, I knew nothing about him. But honestly, I didn't think any girl really knew enough about him. It would be interesting to learn more about this mystery prince.

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts when my brother came in from being in his room all day. "If you meet him," he teased. I rolled my eyes. I hated when he listened to my conversations.

"Shut up, August," I replied, pushing him over a bit as he sat on the couch next to me. He stuck out his tongue, me doing the same back to him. He was fifteen and as sarcastic as ever, so we were always in some sort of stupid argument. I got along with my older sister, June, more.

"Dinner's ready!" She yelled, setting all of the plates down on the small kitchen table we had. I got up from the couch, helping her by getting some forks and knives to put down. August sat down, happily smiling and waiting to be served. He always seemed to get the most food. It was no fair. June always spoiled him.

"So," June started, putting some steak on her plate, "are you actually registering?" I nodded as I served myself my own food.

"I know you think it's stupid, but I don't know. I just think that if I get chosen, it might be good. The prince seems nice enough," I explained, shoving food into my mouth. I was extremely hungry since I hadn't eaten since lunch.

"Mhm," my sister hummed, swallowing her food. "And super cute," she said. I laughed, silently agreeing with her.

"Cute for a prince, I guess," my brother scoffed, rolling his eyes. "But I think I'd be ten times cuter as a prince." He gave one of his sweet little smiles, which totally didn't fit his attitude at all.

"Be quiet, August," my sister told him. "He's very good looking, and he'd love December." I shook my head at that. He probably wouldn't love me. Like, at all. I was extremely annoying and I would have probably been the first one to get kicked out. But I still wanted to try.

"Seriously, I don't doubt that if you get picked, you'll win this whole competition. He'll fall in love with you the moment he sees you," she complimented me. Okay, now I started laughing. I appreciated how nice my sister was being, but I very much disagreed with her. There would probably be girls there a million times better than me.

But I still wanted to try.

a/n: okay, hopefully that was good. it's actually not a x reader, i made up an original character, so i hope that's okay. if people don't like it i might change it idk jdndkdx

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