seventeen | all i can say is i was enchanted to meet you

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i saw the pilots live again so there's a lil tyler photo i took

also i'm sorry if it feels like this story is moving slow i promise there's a point to all of this and it'll get better as i write more. it's also gonna get a bit wild and i'm excited for that. so please keep commenting and voting. thank you

"So what's the plan for getting out of here?" Max asked the next day. In just a few hours, the ceremony where Tyler had to pick the winner for the Selection would start. We weren't worried about leaving before then, however we needed to find a way out before we were forced to marry. So we were in Tyler's room, planning. Josh and Juliet had even come to help us out.

"Well, I know my father is going to be going to the base in France sometime soon. I just have to make sure it's before the wedding," he explained, and we all nodded in response.

"And how are we all gonna get there?" Josh asked, the rest of us wondering the same thing.

"I'm gonna do what I did last time. Send another plane out there, but somehow make sure my father doesn't find out this time. I've got it all under control, trust me," Tyler stated.

Throughout this whole conversation, Juliet, Josh, Max and I had been exchanging worried glances. Sure, Tyler was a prince and knew a lot about the military, but to take part in it? That was a different story, and I could tell that I wasn't the only one who was concerned.

"And what do we do when we get there?" Juliet asked.

"Nothing. I don't want you guys getting involved, because if anything ever happened to any of you, I'd blame myself," he said, taking a deep breath. "None of this would be worth it. Please promise me you'll stay where I tell you?" Again, all of us looked unsure. How could we just leave Tyler out there, worrying whether or not he'd be okay?

"You know I have to follow you. You're my best friend," Josh told him.

"And I can fight. I'm a guard, after all," Max pointed out.

"I wanna help too," Juliet added.

Tyler then looked to me, his eyes wide like a puppy's, pleading for me to listen to him. But he knew me better, and he must've known that there was no way I could stay back while he pushed himself into war. "Deci?"

"You're not a soldier, Tyler," I said. "You weren't made to fight. So why are you putting yourself into this?"

"You know that this is the only way I'll get my father's permission to step down," he replied, sitting on the edge of his bed, next to where I was sitting. Josh, Max, and Juliet were standing up around us, quietly listening.

"But that doesn't mean you have to fight," Josh intervened.

"I can't just give orders and then watch them fight. That would make me a coward," he responded.

"That's what your father has to do. He's the king, he can't let anything happen to himself. And you? Tyler, you want to do this so you can go out and live your own life, but how will you do that if something happens to you?" I asked. He sighed, rubbing his eyes, probably pondering on what I'd just told him. It really wasn't necessary for him to fight, going out there and giving orders would be enough.

"Okay, Deci," he finally gave in, sitting back up. "But if they need me, I won't hesitate to help."

I nodded, putting my hand on top of his. I gently intertwined my fingers with his, feeling his soft skin against my own. "We'd better get ready for the choosing ceremony."

"I'll see you out there, then," he replied, letting go of my hand as I got off the bed.


My maids had gotten my clothes all set up for the ceremony. Of course, it was a dress, something that definitely didn't look comfortable, but I'd have to deal with it for the next few hours.

It was baby blue, and it reminded me of the color of my room. The top half was embroidered with stones, while the bottom half was long and ruffled. I definitely wasn't looking forward to sitting in it all night. However, I didn't have much of a choice, so I sucked it up and changed into it. It took me a few minutes, and I definitely needed help from my maids.

Once I was finally ready, I made my way to the Great Room, where they'd be holding the ceremony. I was a little bit nervous, even though the only thing happening tonight was Tyler choosing the winner of the Selection. My family would be watching for sure, and when they'd find out that I'd won, they'd be ecstatic. They'd expect me to become the next princess, and then one day, the queen. But they had no idea about our plan, and how Tyler would eventually try to step down from his position. Well, other than June of course. I told her everything. So maybe, hopefully, she'd explain to the rest of our family that I'd never actually become royalty.

A few large chairs were set up against the wall, in front of an audience that was already seated. Glancing over the crowd, I noticed that all of the girls who had participated in the Selection were here. Ashley and Sarah, who had been very friendly with me. Morgan, one of my best friends. And even Jaqueline, the girl who was eliminated for being caught with some other boy. I was surprised they'd let her in.

Tyler was already seated in the front, so I sat on the chair beside him, and Juliet sat on the other side of him. His entire family was up there too. I had never actually gotten to know them well, but I'd talked to his siblings a few times before. I hoped that someday in the future I could become good friends with them.

The voice of Tyler's father speaking into a microphone pulled me back into reality, so I diverted my attention to him.

"I am proud to announce that my son, Prince Tyler, has finally chosen a wife who will soon become the princess," he started, continuing on as he talked about the entire process. I sort of lost interest, and just found myself looking at Tyler. He looked towards me too, his eyes like melted chocolate as he gazed back at me. I could tell we were sharing the same thoughts. He was so close to freedom, and he couldn't wait. I was excited for him.

Just as Tyler was called up to announce the winner, an ear piercing scream was heard down the hall. Everyone turned around, confused as to what was going on. Guards came rushing in, weapons in their hands to protect us from whatever was out there.

"Invaders!" One of them yelled to the crowd. "Follow Ganymede to the safe rooms!" He ordered, pointing over to the other side of the room where Max stood, helping everyone gather together so he could take them to their safety. Tyler grabbed my hand in an instant, pulling me involuntarily as he took off in a run, following his family. I grabbed Juliet, who was standing frozen in shock.

Max and a few other armed guards led us to the first room, quickly locking us in to assure that we were safe. Once we were secure, we all calmed down a bit, but we were still worried for everyone else's safety. I hoped Max and Morgan would be okay.

We all sat against the wall, realizing we'd be stuck in here for the next few hours. Tyler never let go of my hand, his porcelain skin easing my nerves. He rested his head on my shoulder, his silky hair tickling my neck.

"Watch," Tyler whispered, only so I could hear him. "We're gonna be going to France even sooner now. Probably right after this whole thing ends. Everything will work out." And I believed him.

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