twenty three | i was enchanted to meet you

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When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was the fact that Tyler was no longer beside me. The lack of his warm touch left me with an empty sort of feeling, and I longed for the feeling of his arms wrapped around my body. But he had a lot to do today, I figured he had probably just gotten up to go arrange things with Max and Josh.

I wasn't even sure how long I was asleep for, but I figured it couldn't have been that long. Tyler would've come in to annoy me at some point.

I got up and decided to go to his room, but was surprised when I only saw Josh and Juliet sitting in there. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, and the two looked back at me with widened eyes.

"Wheres Tyler...?" I trailed off, glancing around the room once more. It was just us three.

"He went-" Juliet started to say, but Josh quickly interrupted her.

"He isn't here," was all he replied. I sighed, now realizing that something was up and they were trying to hide it from me.

"Seriously guys, just tell me where he is. Is Max with him?" I asked. They nodded, but still refrained from answering the other part of the question. It was silent, so I figured the only way I was going to get an answer was to demand it from them.

"Tell me where Tyler is," I stated firmly, a hint of annoyance in my voice. I wasn't going to play any games with them. He was my boyfriend after all, right? I deserved to know why he disappeared so suddenly.

"He went with the troops," Josh finally spoke. I froze, and it felt like a hammer had jammed itself into my heart. Tyler had told me he wasn't going, that he was going to stay behind with me. He lied.

"Are- are you sure? Maybe he's....." I tried to think of an excuse, but I couldn't. I knew the truth, and sadly, it didn't surprise me.

He was right about himself. He was an immature twenty one year old boy who had no business organizing battles or fighting in a war. I hated to say it, but Tyler wasn't a soldier. Yes, he was strong and determined, but he could never hurt somebody.

"We're sure, December," Josh said. "He told us where he was going."

"Well, I'm gonna go after him then," I stated, turning around so I could leave before anyone had the chance to stop me.

"Tyler told us to keep you safe." And that's when I stopped. Of course he told them that. Of course he knew that I would stupidly run after him. He was immature, but he was smart. "He said he's just going to help and once it's all over he'll be back."

"And how long will that be?"

"He said a day at most."

"Then I'll wait one whole day." And with that, I left the room, running back to my own.

I hated that he lied to me. I hated that he couldn't tell me where he was going, or even say goodbye. He left when I was sleeping, he knew I'd try to hold him back. He cared about my safety, but when it came to his own, he jeopardized it.

Truthfully, I was terrified. I was so so scared for him, scared that he'd get hurt or something terrible would happen. I felt the anxiety spread throughout my body, tensing my muscles up and leaving an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I couldn't help but cry, basking in my fears as the droplets of water streamed down my cheeks. And since I had no other option, I prayed for him. Prayed that he would be okay, that he would come back in one piece.

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