three | forcing laughter

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hey ok so since i need like a lot of girl characters in this story i added my irl friend juliet in here. hi i know ur reading this juliet

anyway, don't forget to vote and comment. seriously, it helps. i read every single comment and it makes me happy to see them so yeah

on with the story

About a week later, I was completely packed and ready to leave for the palace. They told me that I didn't need to bring any clothes because they'd supply me with that themselves, but there was no way that I was going to wear dresses everyday. Especially to sleep. So I hid some shirts and leggings in there.

Today, since I was going to be leaving, someone would be coming over to pick me up in a limo or something. I was kind of excited. I'd never been in one before.

There was a knock on our apartment door, and my sister June was in the kitchen, so she got to it before me. When she opened it, I looked over her shoulder, noticing a guy slightly taller than her who looked to be in his twenties. He wore nice clothing and had on glasses, and was holding papers in his hand.

"I'm here for December Callisto," he spoke, and June pointed to me and gestured for him to come inside. "I'm just going to have to go over a few rules." Of course. I would have to sit through someone explaining obvious rules that I wouldn't even end up breaking in the first place.

All three of us sat on the barstool, while my brother was probably still in his room.

"Okay," the guy cleared his throat. "The first one is self explanatory, but you may not harass the prince." Wow, I had absolutely no idea that was a rule. Who dared to put that one in place? I took a deep breath, my sister shooting a look at me. She caught my impatience.

"You may not get in physical fights with any other girls... you may not force yourself upon the prince..." He said a whole bunch of other stuff, but I stopped paying attention. He didn't need to inform me about all of this stuff. I already knew it, and I wasn't planning on doing any of it.

"And that's all. I think it's time to go now," he said, standing up and grabbing his papers.

"Sure," I replied, walking towards my room. "Let me just get my stuff. June, can you get August?" I called out to her as I walked inside my room. I grabbed the black backpack that laid on my bed, and slowly walked out. I breathed in the familiar and homey scent of my room, trying to take in as much of it as I could. I would be gone for a few months. I knew I would miss my room.

By the time I walked back into the living room, August was there waiting for me. I quickly ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug, ruffling his dark curly hair. "I'll call you. And you can visit me, okay?" I asked. He nodded, pulling away from me.

"Marry the prince, please? I've always wanted a brother," he teased, and I rolled my eyes. I tried to picture it though, my brother meeting Prince Tyler. It seemed kind of ridiculous because as far as I knew, they were polar opposites. My brother was messy and liked to play music, and the prince seemed to always be so serious and have his hair combed back perfectly. Would they really get along?

"Bye June." I hugged my sister, who was shorter than me even though she was older. She rubbed her hand over my back as we held onto each other. I didn't want to be the one to pull away, so I waited for her to do it.

"You'll win for sure," she assured me with a smile. "I'll miss you."

Even though I was excited to finally be leaving the state, which I had only done once before, I was sad that I wouldn't get to see my family for the next few months. And what if, for some strange reason, I won this whole thing? Then would I always be away from them?

wonderstruck// Tyler Joseph Where stories live. Discover now