twenty five | two a.m, who do you love?

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I woke up to a sharp pain on the side of my body, wincing as I attempted to hold my hand over the area. But then the recent memories all came crashing back to me, and that's when I realized.

Right. I'm hurt.

I must have nodded out at some point, but I wasn't sure whether it was because of the unbearable pain, or something the doctors might've given me. All I knew was that I was lying down on a hospital bed, and Juliet was sitting on a chair to the left of me.

My first thought should've been, am I okay? But it wasn't. The first thing my mind went to was Tyler. The last I saw of him he was taken away by some unknown man. Jackie told me not to worry about him, but I couldn't help it. It seemed like he was always being ripped apart from me lately. I just needed to hold him close to me again, feel his warm skin against my own.

"Hey, you're awake," Juliet said, looking up from a book in her lap. "How do you feel?"

Like I've just been shot in my abdomen. That's how I feel.

"Fine," I mumbled, attempting to sit up. It was difficult, because every time I moved a leg or some part of my lower body, I would feel the same razor sharp pain. "What did they do to me?"

"You had surgery, they removed the bullet," she explained. My wound was covered, but for some reason, I felt like I needed to see it. Just to confirm that this was reality, that I had actually been severely injured. But at the same time, I was too afraid. I was too scared to see the scar.

I tried lifting up the fabric covering it, but a nurse entering the room caused me to quickly put my hands down.

"Hello December," the nurse said with a smile as she sat down near a counter, placing a bunch of paperwork on top of it. "So you just had the surgery done, correct?"

"I guess," I replied with a sigh. I wasn't exactly aware of what was going on, so I hoped that she wasn't about to ask me a bunch of questions.

"Alright, great. So it seems we do have some feedback from the surgery, would you like me to tell you now?" She asked, looking up from the clipboard she was holding. I nodded, anxiety welling up in my stomach in anticipation. I was nervous to hear the news, but it was better to get it over with now.

"During the operation, they found that some surrounding tissue had been damaged from the bullet. This could potentially be very serious, so another surgery will be taken place to, hopefully, get that fixed." My stomach dropped when she said the word "serious."

"Hopefully? So they aren't sure whether or not they can fix it?" I asked worriedly. I really needed Tyler right now. I needed his hand in mine, his soft voice to calm me down. I couldn't take this all by myself.

"They can't be certain right now. They'll have to see how your body will react to the fixations." My mind went to the worst possible conclusions that I could think of. I was terrified. What if I never got to see my family again? What if I never got to see Tyler again? I started shaking, and I was sure that I was going to go insane in the next few seconds.

"How do you think it'll work out?" I felt stupid asking her, but I was so scared, so petrified, that I needed some sort of comforting answer. I didn't get that.

"Well, your situation is different. The area you've been wounded in can cause lots of complications, and needs to be dealt with quickly. They're sending you back to America to get the next surgery," she stated.

I felt like I was going to be sick. Complications. Surgery. Getting sent back home. I couldn't bear the weight on my shoulders. I needed somebody to carry it with me, to help me through it.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and sob and hide underneath the covers of this bed and never come back out. Although I knew there was still a chance that all of this could be dealt with, I couldn't help but focus on the negative.

Gosh, where is Tyler?

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