eight | vanished when i saw your face

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•Tyler's POV•

The past few months since she got here had been a complete whirlwind of emotions. At first, I told myself that I'd hate everyone here and make them want to leave so this whole thing could be over and done with. But when I met her, something changed. I didn't know why, or even how, but suddenly this whole thing didn't seem so bad as long as I got to hang out with her.

I had to keep reminding myself that I didn't want this. I didn't want to be a prince who lived in a palace all his life, I wanted to do something interesting. Like those people who were in bands and got to perform for people for a living. That was what I wanted. It seemed like the most fascinating thing ever, but here I was, stuck in a suit and tie and with a ton of stupid paperwork that I didn't want to do.

I really meant it when I said I wanted to escape to Italy. It seemed like the best option for me. I couldn't just wander around my own country without being mobbed everywhere I went, so I needed to be somewhere foreign. And Italy just seemed like the perfect place.

"Yeah, but why Italy? Why not Germany or something?" December asked. It was probably her millionth question of the day. She talked too much, but I would've been lying if I said I didn't enjoy every bit of it.

"I don't know," I answered honestly, shrugging. "I like Italian girls." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm half Italian," she said matter of factly. I was thinking of making a snarky remark like, that explains why you're so loud, but I decided against it. I realized that I didn't just want to tease her constantly. I still wasn't sure exactly why I kissed her on the cheek a month ago, but I found that I was always trying to impress her in some sort of way. Like this morning, I worked extra hard on my hair. I usually didn't  care what I looked like, but suddenly I was always self conscious around her.

"Then I guess I know why I like you so much," I mumbled under my breath. I didn't know why I decided to say that out loud. Maybe I secretly wanted her to hear me. She rose an eyebrow, like she didn't understand what I said. But I know she did. She was just trying to act clueless.

"What?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, something that seemed to be constant when I was around her.

"What?" I replied back, shrugging my shoulders as if I said nothing the moment before.

"I heard you, you know. I have good hearing," she stated. She looked at me with a face that said, so how are you gonna defend yourself now?

"Good. It was meant to be heard," I replied blatantly. When those words left my mouth, everything seemed to stop. We weren't just joking around with each other anymore. This was real. Her crystal blue eyes were so piercing in that moment, I was sure she could see right through me.

Everything in this moment was completely wrong for me. We were sitting in her room, both of us in our pajamas. She wasn't supposed to see me like this. She wasn't supposed to get this close to me. Italy, I told myself. You want Italy, not her.

But when she sat on the hardwood floor next to me and touched my hand with her own, that little voice inside of my head instantly shut up. I truthfully had no idea what was happening. I had no experience with the feelings that this girl was giving me. I was just an innocent boy who didn't know the first thing about romance. But now she was holding my hand, and our shoulders were touching, and my heart was beating out of my chest.

wonderstruck// Tyler Joseph Where stories live. Discover now