fourteen | counter all your quick remarks

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anyway enjoy :)

"There's so many people here," Tyler grumbled as we walked down the streets of New York. Manhattan was always crowded. Anybody who'd ever lived here would be used to it. Tyler told me he'd been here before, but I doubted he actually walked around the city. It'd draw too much attention to him.

But he was here with us now, and not that many people seemed to notice. We'd get a few looks here and there, but nobody ever approached us. Nobody in the royal family would stand amidst a crowd of thousands of people. It just sounded ridiculous. So the people walking past us didn't have any reason to believe that the boy walking beside me was actually the prince.

Besides, they'd only seen him all dressed up in suits and fancy looking clothing. Right now, he just wore something similar to what he had on yesterday, a white nintendo hoodie and pants. Nobody would have expected a prince to be walking around so casually like that.

Except for one little boy, apparently.

He was about six or seven and a bit short, only going a few inches above Tyler's waist. He was walking in the opposite direction, next to who I assumed was his mother, when he bumped into Tyler. The boy almost lost his balance, but Tyler, being the caring person that he was, put his arms out and held him in place so that he could stand upright. The little boy stared up at him, his eyes widening as if what stood before him was unfathomable. Tyler kneeled down beside him so that they could be face to face.

"Are you alright buddy?" Tyler asked in a honey sweet voice. The boy nodded, a smile forming on his face as he stared at the older male in front of him. His mother stood beside him, raising an eyebrow as she looked from me to Tyler. I shrugged, having no idea as to why the little boy looked so ecstatic.

"Aren't you the prince?" The boy asked in his high pitched voice. Tyler smiled a bit, staring back at him in awe. He seemed a bit hesitant to answer, probably because he wanted to remain unnoticeable in this big city.

"Yeah. That's me."

The boy looked up at me curiously, then back to Tyler. "Is she your princess?" The question caught me off guard, but Tyler, however, didn't seem affected by it. He turned to me, chuckling a bit as he noticed my surprised expression. He just loved to see me embarrassed.

"What do you think Deci?" I didn't answer. Instead, I just shrugged my shoulders again, allowing Tyler to respond to the boy. "She is," he stated, nodding. That answer seemed to satisfy the little boy, and by the happy smile on his mother's face, I could tell that she was enjoying this too.

"We'd better get going," She said softly to her son, rubbing his back. She thanked Tyler, and with a tiny wave from the little boy, they were off. Tyler stood up, watching them as they walked away.

I had to be honest, hearing Tyler's gentle voice as he spoke to the boy made my heart melt. I imagined how he treated his siblings when they were younger, and I decided that it would probably be equally as adorable. He was just a good person all around. It was hard to think of him as being anything but sweet.

"He was cute," Tyler commented as we continued our way down the block.

"Yeah," I agreed, "but you were even cuter. You're good with kids. You never told me that." I playfully nudged him with my elbow, causing him to giggle. One of those tiny giggles- the one where you could hear it over and over again in your mind to the point where you couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't know that it was important enough to mention," he said.

"It is," I assured him. "Because now I know how you'll be around my ten children," I teased. I was only kidding with him. Well, half- kidding. It wasn't a complete joke.

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