nine | all i can say is it was enchanting to meet you

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merry christmas. here's my gift from me to you. i think you'll like this chapter

did any of y'all get anything good? i got tickets for top next summer so that's cool

anyway here's your chapter. don't forget to vote!!!! and comment!!!!

•December's POV•

Tyler was a mysterious boy. I couldn't pinpoint exactly what was so different about him, but the way that he talked and the way that he brought himself just gave me a feeling. His words were like riddles, so deep you'd really have to think about them to figure out what exactly he meant by them. And the fact that he was able to change the direction of conversation so fast, you wouldn't even have noticed it happened. One second you could be asking him his favorite color and the next second he'd be telling you about this really great movie he watched the other day, and you wouldn't have even noticed. Sometimes I really didn't understand him. 

He wasn't only mysterious. His aura radiated feelings of comfort and happiness. One look at his face, and I suddenly felt this odd feeling of peace within myself. And when he touched me, a simple touch like putting his hand on my back, I felt safe. As long as his hand was touching some part of my skin, I felt that nobody could hurt me because Tyler was right there, and he wouldn't allow anything to happen. Maybe he really was an angel.

Those were my thoughts as I attempted to get sleep one night. But I had been laying in bed for nearly two hours now, and I knew that sleep wasn't coming to me, so instead I sat up in my bed, trying to think of a solution to my problem.

I picked up my phone that laid on the nightstand next to my bed. We were only allowed to use our phones in our rooms, which was kind of a nightmare, but at the same time I understood why. I pressed Tyler's name, calling him. Even though he technically wasn't supposed to give me his contact information, he insisted that he should anyway. He picked up right away, so I figured he must have had trouble sleeping too.

"Hello?" He asked. He didn't sound tired at all, so I was glad that I didn't wake him up.

"I can't sleep," was all that I said.

"Me neither. Can I come?"


And with that, he hung up. I sat on the edge of my bed, kicking my legs back and forth. I waited for him impatiently, every second feeling like a second too long. His room was only about five minutes away from mine, but it still felt like forever.

I soon heard a knock at the door, and I got up as fast as I could to answer it. There he was, standing in sweatpants and a black long sleeved shirt. I marveled at the fact that the other girls never got to see him like this. They all saw him dressed up in clothes that he didn't want to be in, but I got to see him in something that he was comfortable in. I was thankful for that.

He gave a tiny smile, then without a word just sat down on the floor, his back against my bed. I jumped onto the bed, laying on my stomach and resting my head in the palm of my hand. I stared down at him. A slight part of his face was able to be seen from my position, so I studied his features. The profile of his nose, how much of a perfect angle it was. And his eyelashes. I could hardly see his eyes, but those long dark eyelashes of his were still visible.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, casually bringing my hand to the top of his head to play with his hair. His brunet locks were bunny soft, and twirling them around my fingers felt satisfying.

wonderstruck// Tyler Joseph Where stories live. Discover now