four | faking smiles

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I didn't want to get up the next morning. The bed was extremely comfortable, and the covers gave me just the right amount of warmth. But three girls had to barge in and ruin it all.

"December, you have to get ready," the one with straight brown hair said. They all looked around my age, and were dressed in uniform. They were probably the maids, I assumed.

I groaned as I got out of bed, knowing that they wouldn't stop persisting. I dragged myself to the bathroom so that I could take a shower and brush my teeth.

Once I had finished doing that, the other maid, who had noticeably blue eyes, tried handing me a dress similar to the one I had yesterday, except this one was light purple. I shook my head.

"Do I really have to wear that?" I complained, walking over to the bag I brought from home. "I have my own stuff. It's much more comfortable."

"You are required to dress up everyday," the brown haired one said. I looked at her name tag so I could actually put a name to her. It was Natalia. The blue eyed one was Delilah, and the other girl standing quietly in the corner was Mia.

"Well, Natalia," I started, testing out her name. "Please tell the person who made up that rule that I will not be following it."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Talk to the prince yourself today, you'll be meeting him," she told me. I almost forgot that I wasn't even supposed to meet Prince Tyler yet, even though I already had by accident last night.

I huffed as I snatched the dress out of Delilah's hands. I knew that I was probably acting rude, but I wasn't a morning person. They woke me up in the first place, so they shouldn't have expected me to act all nice.

I changed into the uncomfortable dress, walking out of the bathroom stiffly. Yet again, they tried to put make up on me and do my hair, but again, I said no. I didn't even allow them to brush my hair. They wouldn't have been able to do it right. So much for having maids.

As I was about to step out the door, the three girls stood next to each other and waited for me to go. I looked at them for a second, raising an eyebrow.

"Um, can one of you please take me to where I need to be?" I asked politely for the first time today. Mia stepped forward, her dark brown hair bouncing off her shoulders. She opened the door and walked out, and I followed behind her the entire time.

On the way, I caught up with Morgan, so Mia left since she didn't need to help me anymore. Morgan looked pretty. She wasn't dressed in anything crazy like some of the other girls. However, we were similar, so I knew she'd rather have been wearing sweatpants right now.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked her, but I kept my voice quiet. If any of the other girls knew, they'd probably get jealous for some odd reason.

"What is it?" She asked, her ocean blue eyes staring into mine.

"Last night, I ran into the prince," I whispered. Her eyes widened, asking me for more. "Let's just say he was... moody," I said with a giggle, remembering his eye rolling and huffing. I wondered what had him so annoyed last night. It couldn't have been just me. Something else must have been bothering him beforehand.

She laughed. "I mean, he's a prince. Did you really expect him to be all nice and caring?" I knew that she didn't particularly like him, but I didn't think that it was fair for her to say that. Sure, maybe he was a prince, and maybe he was mean last night, but that didn't mean that he was a bad person. I still had a feeling that he was different. All I could do was shrug in response.

wonderstruck// Tyler Joseph Where stories live. Discover now