thirty | hey, it was enchanting to meet you

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Tyler had been staying in New York for a few days now, although he had insisted on staying in the hotel with Josh and Max because he didn't want to be a burden. Of course he was welcomed to stay in our apartment, but I didn't think it was worth arguing over.

We didn't do much in the past few days that he was here. We went to Manhattan and walked around the city together, but we spent a lot of the time just hanging out inside.

Right now, my parents and my sister were at work, and my brother was out with one his friends, so Tyler and I had the apartment to ourselves. We took that as our cue to cuddle up next to each other on the couch and watch a movie. Not that we couldn't do that when my family was here- we could, but it always felt a little more awkward when there was other people around. I liked being able to be with him alone, so I couldn't embarrass myself.

Somehow, halfway into the movie, his head ended up in my lap. So I pet his hair as if he were a puppy, still intently watching the tv screen. I eventually became so engrossed with the movie that I put my hand down without realizing, which earned me a groan from Tyler. I rolled my eyes playfully, bringing my hand back to his head. I tugged on it a little just to mess with him, but he didn't seem to like that because he swatted my hand away.

"What's your issue?" I asked with a giggle, pulling it again teasingly.

"Stop!" He complained like a little boy. "No pulling." I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Why? You don't like it?" He shook his head. "That's too bad," I replied sarcastically, shrugging my shoulders as I playfully tugged on another lock of his hair, yet again.

"Deci, I mean it!" He exclaimed, attempting to hold a giggle in. "Stop."

"Make me," I jokingly snapped. Tyler bolted up, staring at me face to face now. His eyebrows were furrowed, as if my response caught him off guard.

"Make you? Oh, I will definitely make you," he stated. I was confused for just a few seconds, but then he lunged at me, and now he was hovering above me as I laid back on the couch. I hated when he did this, because I could never escape his grasp.

"Tyler!" I whined, struggling to release myself from his hold. I tried pushing his chest, but he had hardly budged. "Don't make me kick you."

"You told me to make you stop, so here we are," he said with a smirk. "You asked for this, and I'm not letting you get away so easily."

"What will it take?" I asked, giving in. He paused for a moment, biting his lip in thought.

"Maybe a kiss?" He asked in a soft voice, his doe eyes staring me down. How could I say no to a face like that?

I leaned up, lightly pressing my lips against his. I thought it would just be over in a second, so I tried pulling back, but I must've thought wrong. His lips stayed attached to mine as he slowly sat up, pulling me with him. He had his hand on my back, pressing my body against his. This wasn't exactly what I expected when he asked for a kiss, but I wasn't complaining. Although our simple short kisses were nice, I did enjoy getting to be this close to him for longer than just a few seconds.

As our lips moved together in a synchronized motion, I decided to pull on his hair again, just to peeve him. In return, he pulled my bottom lip in between his teeth and bit down, causing me to wince.

Kissing Tyler had always made me feel a bunch of different things at once. One thing was that I had always managed to feel the butterflies in my stomach when he got this close. It was a fuzzy kind of feeling inside of me. And when he ran his fingers down my arm, I was almost certain there were goosebumps on my skin.

wonderstruck// Tyler Joseph Where stories live. Discover now