thirty six | until i see you again

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•Tyler's POV•

December and I would be leaving today, so I made sure to pack everything beforehand. My suitcase consisted of my clothes, and other random things I'd collected over the years. And of course, I couldn't forget, the little stuffed animal Deci had given me a while back.

After I had gathered everything, December and I made our way down to the entrance of the palace. When we arrived, my family all stood there together, awaiting my presence.

We all sort of just looked at each other for a few seconds. I wasn't sure what to say. I was leaving them, going to some place completely new. They'd be living as royalty, just as they always had, and I'd be an average person living in a small apartment.

"We're gonna miss you, Ty," my sister Maddy said. She opened up her arms, so I stepped forward and engulfed her in a hug. Next was Zack and Jay, and then finally, I stood in front of my parents.

"You've been an amazing prince," my mother told me. "But I think there's something else out there for you." She didn't specify what exactly was out there for me, but I was pretty sure I knew deep down. I had always been passionate about music, so maybe me moving to New York could be the start of pursuing that dream.

"I hope you like it over there," my father said.

"I think I will," I replied, bringing both of them into a hug.

I grabbed my suitcase and walked up to the huge doors at the front of the palace. Before leaving, I turned to my family. They smiled happily at me and offered a few waves goodbye. I was glad that they weren't resentful towards me for leaving.

I returned the wave, turning back around and pulling open the extremely heavy door. December followed behind me as my family shouted goodbyes and supporting words.

"Are you excited?" She asked, bouncing up and down on her heels.

"Yeah," I replied. "I really am."

I couldn't believe that I was actually leaving. Ever since I was little I wondered what it would be like to live anywhere else as a normal person, and now it was about to be my reality. And on top of that, I had December with me.

wonderstruck// Tyler Joseph Where stories live. Discover now