eighteen | this night is sparkling

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a/n: i know this one is kinda short. it's mostly just fluff

but as always, vote and comment please :)

Ten hours. That was how long we were stuck in the room, and it wasn't exactly pleasing. At least there was food for us, because if there weren't, we might've all went a little crazy.

But Tyler also helped keep me sane. He rubbed my back, played with my hair, laid on top of my lap. We had moved through many different positions throughout the time being.

And even though all of us did converse every so often, there were moments where it was silent. And in those moments, I thought about the future between me and Tyler. We didn't have a normal relationship right now, we didn't even call ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend. Because we weren't. He was just a prince, and I was just a girl who was supposed to become his wife. But we weren't engaged, either.

Really, Tyler had been forced into all of this. Forced to pick a girl, like her, and then choose her. So what if when he finally left, he would decide that he didn't really want a girlfriend? Obviously if he decided to come to New York, we wouldn't get married right away like we'd have to do here. So we'd just have a normal relationship. But normal relationships break up and cause heartache. I feared that that would happen to us.

Tyler had turned out being right about his father leaving for France even sooner. They would be leaving tonight. So now I was in Tyler's room, lying beside him on his bed. His room was dim, dark curtains and bedsheets and the wall being a grayish blue. His room looked average, if it weren't for the size. He had clothes on the floor, and the scent of cologne lingered in the air.

We were bored, a little nervous for what was to come in the next few days. So we didn't talk much, but having each other's company felt nice. I was on my phone, scrolling through the many pictures I had taken of Tyler recently. In the photos, his eyes were closed, and his hair was a mess, shadowing over his forehead. He looked absolutely precious.

"When did you take those?" He asked, looking over my shoulder. I hadn't noticed that he was looking at my screen.

"When we got back from New York and we were in my room. You were half asleep," I told him with a giggle. I swiped to show him more of the photos, to which he groaned.

"Why don't you take some better ones of me?" He suggested.

"Alright then," I replied. "Do you think you look fine?" He took my phone, opening the camera app and looking at his reflection.

"Fix my hair for me?" He asked sweetly, handing my phone back with a tiny smile. I chuckled, scooting myself in front of him so I could get a better view of his face. His hair was a bit matted from laying down, so I fluffed it up a bit, combing the dark silk locks between my fingers. It looked a bit more neat, aside from the tuft of hair feathering over his forehead. But he looked cute with it, so I left it.

"Now smile," I stated, holding the camera up. He did one of his overly fake stupid smiles, so I shook my head. "C'mon, actually smile," I pleaded. He rolled his eyes, but gave in. He did one of his genuine smiles, the kind where you could see his dimples indented into his skin and his cheeks rise up. He looked like a little schoolboy on picture day.

I looked at the photos I had just taken, and he truly did look beautiful. I'd probably send them to June later just to let her know how everything was going.

"Can I see?" He asked, leaning over to see my phone screen. I showed him the photos, and he grimaced. "I hate my smile."

I used to think of royalty being stuck up and full of themselves, self centered like they were above everyone else. But obviously, that wasn't Tyler. No, Tyler was the complete opposite of a stereotypical royal. He was the most kind hearted person, and apparently he even disliked the way that he looked. To me, it didn't make any sense. How somebody so pretty and adorable could dislike themself.

"Well," I started, "out of all the smiles in the world, I believe you have the best." When Tyler smiled, it was like sunshine was seeping from his veins, like the whole room had lit up and flowers and butterflies were swarming my stomach. When he smiled, I wanted to pinch his cheeks and give him the biggest hug. He was just too cute.

"Whatever," he sighed, but when he saw me still looking at him, his demeanor lightened up. "You should go pack your stuff for tonight."

"How long will we be there?"

"I really don't know. If all goes to plan then it should be just a few days," he said.

I really did hope everything would go alright. I couldn't see why not, we had it all planned out. And I would make it my personal mission to stop Tyler from getting into anything stupid that could result in him getting hurt.

"Goodnight, Ty," I farewelled him as I began walking towards the door.

"Goodnight, Deci. I love- I mean- yeah... goodnight," he stuttered out. His cheeks were bright pink, pink like cotton candy and bubblegum. I wasn't stupid, I knew what he almost said. So instead of being a coward like he'd decided to do, I replied.

"I love you too." And then I quietly shut the door, although I was curious as to what his face looked like at that moment.

I began walking down the hallway, but stopped when I heard footsteps nearing behind me. I was afraid for a second- it could've been invaders again, but when I turned around, it was just Tyler. I smacked his arm playfully. "Don't do that! You scared me!" I complained, causing him to laugh a bit.

"Sorry, I just- well, you forgot something," he said. I rose an eyebrow, not having a clue as to what he might've meant. I didn't bring anything but my phone to his room, and I was holding it in my hand right now.

"What is it?" I asked. He smiled sheepishly. He looked embarrassed, but the way I looked at him confusedly must have urged him to continue.

"A goodnight kiss. You forgot a goodnight kiss," he finally managed to say. My heart melted at that, and I felt those same butterflies in my stomach. Gosh, he couldn't get any cuter.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked jokingly. He finally decided to lean in, placing his hands on my waist as he connected our lips together. His lips were still soft, soft like the first time we kissed a few months ago.

All the other times I'd kissed him, I'd just been focused on his lips. What they felt like against my own. But this time, for some reason, I was thinking about the other things I could feel. Like the fact that our noses were pressed up against one another, or how his hand slowly rubbed up and down my hips.

When he pulled away, I ruffled his hair, bringing my hand down his jaw and over his stubble. I placed one more tiny kiss on his mouth and quickly pulled away. He was smiling, his cheeks pink once again. And with a tiny wave, I walked back to my room, getting ready for a hopefully short trip to France.

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