fifteen | like passing notes in secrecy

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"He is cute," My sister admitted as we stood against my doorframe, watching the sleeping boy on my bed. I had left him in there while I helped my sister with dinner, and he must've knocked out while I was gone.

"He is," I replied, smiling to myself. "But if only you could see how he acts. He's even more cute."

She chuckled, emerging into the room. She stood above Tyler and started clapping her hands to wake him. "Prince Tyler!" She exclaimed jokingly. "Your dinner is ready!" His eyes slowly fluttered open, a confused expression on his face as he sat himself up and searched the room. His copper eyes soon met mine, to which he smiled. "Come on, we don't have forever," she said, tapping her foot against the carpet. He eventually got up, following us to the dinner table still half asleep, his hair a mess and his eyes hardly open.

"Were you asleep, Tyler?" My mom asked as she and the rest of my family sat down. Tyler quickly looked up, giving a small nod.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to crash in Deci's room," he said with a light laugh, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up a bit. I could tell by my mom's sudden smile that she caught onto the obvious nickname he gave me- nobody else called me that.

"It's alright," my mom responded. "You welcomed us into your home, so feel free to make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you Mrs. Callisto," Tyler replied as he began cutting his food. I watched as he brought the fork to his mouth, curious as to what he'd think of the food. My sister was an amazing cook, everyone thought so. Tyler soon began to realize that my sister and I were staring at him, waiting for a reaction.

"So? What do ya think?" I asked.

"It's amazing," Tyler said, setting the fork down. "Better than the food at the palace."

"I like this boy, December," June stated. "You should keep him around." I nodded, although she didn't have to tell me. I was already planning on it.

After dinner, Tyler and I ended up on the couch, resting and watching tv. While flipping through the different channels, I stopped on The Report, a typical habit my family and I had become used to. It was always important to watch it so we could know what's been going on with our country.

I looked at Tyler, who was intently watching his father talking on the screen. I realized that he was probably being reminded of all his responsibilities back home, which made sense considering his demeanor had suddenly changed from joyful to bitter in the matter of seconds.

He was speaking about the war, a bunch of military stuff that I knew nothing about, but I bet Tyler knew. I knew he hated everything about being a prince, but there was no doubt that he would be able to end this war once and for all. He was clever, and he had been training for this ever since he was little. But he told me time and time again that his father wouldn't ever listen to him.

I decided to ask him a question, something that would hopefully shift his attention away from his responsibilities.

"What would you like to do during your last night in New York City, huh?" I asked with a smile, placing my hand on his shoulder and rubbing my hand over the fabric of his black t- shirt. He paused for a minute, probably to think about it, but he then shrugged his shoulders miserably.

"Why don't you go see a broadway show?" June suggested as she walked by.

"That sounds great! Do you wanna, Tyler?"

"Sure but... what shows are there?"

I thought about a possible one he might wanna see. Maybe something familiar to him, like a Disney movie? Everyone knows Disney. "The Lion King?"

"A lion who runs away from home only to come back and be a king," he sighed, falling onto my lap. "Sounds like just the right play." I brushed off his snappy attitude. He was probably just bothered by The Report. I was still gonna make sure he enjoyed himself during his last night here.


"A boy who transforms into a prince," he mumbled against my leg.

"And a princess who doesn't want to be a princess. See the relation? You guys could be friends," I replied jokingly, bringing my hands to his hair. I ran my fingers through it, enjoying the feeling of his silky locks against my skin.

"Fine," he said, giving in. "We'll see Aladdin."

"Hey," I called, tapping his shoulder. He sat up a bit so he was facing me. "Turn that frown upside down." I smiled, poking his cheek. He tried to hide it, but I was able to catch the little giggle that escaped his throat.

"Only if you kiss me," he stated, trying to keep a serious expression. But as I stood there quietly for a few seconds, staring at him, I saw the smile break through. He looked so beautiful when he smiled, like a little child opening presents on Christmas, and I couldn't get enough of it. "Please?" He pouted, his eyes wide like a little puppy. He truly was the most precious thing in this world.

I finally leaned forward, faintly pressing my lips against his. I prayed that my parents wouldn't walk by. I would've been beyond embarrassed if they saw us. But I tried to ignore that thought, and rather focus on how soft his lips were or how comforting his hand against my cheek felt. I definitely could've stayed in that moment forever, but I eventually pulled away, smiling at the pretty boy in front of me.


"Yup," he replied, standing up and holding out his hand. "My last night in New York."

"You'll be back," I told him, squeezing his hand. "I promise."

a/n: i know i haven't updated in forever but don't you worry i have another chapter almost done so yay

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