thirty four | not where the story line ends

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"Do you prefer the silver or the lavender?" Delilah, one of my previous maids, asked. She held up two long dresses, tilting her head as she waited for a response. I didn't have much of a preference, although the silver one was a bit more shimmery.

"Silver," I answered with a smile. She handed me the gown and I left to the bathroom so that I could change.

Today, Tyler and his family would be on The Report to update the country on what would be happening with the Selection. Ever since the attack on the palace, the day that Tyler was supposed to announce the winner, people must've been beyond confused. Now they would finally have everything cleared up.

After changing into the dress and putting on my shoes, I was ready. Delilah led me down to the room where they filmed The Report, which I had only been in a few times before during the Selection. When we arrived, she waved me goodbye and left, and I returned the gesture. I look around the room for Tyler, noticing him talking to his parents near the cameras. His eyes met mine, and he motioned with his hand for me to come over, so that was exactly what I did.

I never found it easy to walk in these huge dresses, so I always had to be extra cautious. I didn't want to accidentally trip over it and end up looking like a complete idiot. So whenever I wore them, I made sure to take each step carefully.

"You're so pretty!" Tyler exclaimed with a dorky smile. "I don't know if I can let you go on camera now. All these guys are gonna see you, and I'm totally gonna feel threatened."

I jokingly rolled my eyes. "Threatened? Are you serious?"

"Yes! They'll probably be so out of my league that they end up stealing you from me," he pointed out.

"Shut up," I replied with a laugh. "Nobody is stealing me away from you. You are the most beautiful boy, you have nothing to worry about," I said, ruffling his chestnut brown locks. He had probably spent a while fixing it up and making it neat, but now it was a bit messy thanks to me.

"Are we ready to start?" The camera woman asked Tyler's parents, to which they nodded. I stood behind the camera the entire time, except for when they announced the winner of the Selection. That's when I walked up and stood next to Tyler. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just tried to smile and stand up straight so I didn't end up looking like an idiot on camera.

I was doing fine until the host of the show, Eric, suddenly called Tyler and I up for an 'interview.' I had no clue this was going to be happening, so I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Tyler, who only shrugged his shoulders. So neither of us knew, I presumed.

"Prince Tyler and soon-to-be Princess December, how are we doing today?" He asked, sitting on a chair across from us. I was a little shocked to hear the word 'princess' before my name. It was crazy to think that someday that'd be my actual title.

"We're doing okay," Tyler replied, and I nodded in agreement. "Wasn't aware we were going to be interviewed today, though." I laughed a little to myself. Leave it to Tyler to say exactly what was on his mind with no filter whatsoever.

"We're sorry about that," Eric responded. "The king and queen just decided last minute this would be happening. You can blame them," he said jokingly.

"Alright. I'm going to have a nice long talk with them afterwards," Tyler stated.

"So how are you feeling now that the Selection is over?"

"I'm so thankful," Tyler said. "I had no idea that a group of girls could be so annoying." He had a smirk on his face, so I could tell he wasn't being completely serious. But he was right, a few of those girls really could get on your nerves.

"Would you consider December to be one of those girls?"

"Oh yeah, of course!" Tyler replied without second thought. "Probably the most annoying amongst the bunch."

"He's lying," I finally spoke for the first time. "Because he's honestly so much worse."

"Yeah right," Tyler scoffed.

"Do you guys argue like this a lot?" Eric asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, all the time. We actually hate each other, and we've just been faking it this entire time," Tyler explained. Whenever he answered the questions, he always sounded so serious. I was afraid some people would actually fall for it. But he was just sarcastic, which was just one more reason for me to love him.

"Is this true December?"

"Very true," I answered. "I hate him." Tyler subtly scooted his chair away from me, so I did the same thing to add on to his little act.

"So it seems the truth has been revealed," Eric said, now facing the camera. "Despite their hatred for one another, Princess December is still our winner of the Selection."

He talked just a little bit more, and eventually filming had finally ended. Once we were able to leave, Tyler took my hand and led me out into the hall. We were walking now, although I had no idea where we were heading.

"He called me 'Princess December.' We're not even married yet, so technically I'm not your princess," I pointed out as we walked side by side.

"Yeah, but you're still apart of our family now. I guess as long as we're a couple, you're Princess December," he explained. "But I would prefer Princess Deci."

"Tyler, you're the only one who calls me Deci."

"I know, but it's so much easier to say. Why, do you not like it?"

"No, I do," I replied with a smile.

"Good, because I'm kind of a genius for coming up with a nickname as great as that," he said.

"Where are we going?" I asked, changing the subject. We had just been mindlessly walking through the halls, I wasn't sure if he had a specific place in mind.

"Hmm. I'm not sure. We can go to the library, the pool, the garden, the treehouse. Anything you want," he suggested.

"Can we do all of it?"

"I don't see why not."

a/n: ok important question i need you to answer for me

when this story is finished, should i start a sequel for it, or a new story

i don't really have a story planned out for a sequel, only sort of an idea of what i could do. but idk how i could turn it into an interesting story. but i do sorta have a plan for a new story (a tyler one of course)

i'm not exactly sure what to do, i just wanna know what y'all wanna read. if i don't do the sequel, i can still do bonus chapters for this story because i don't wanna just leave these characters behind 🥺 i love them so much. i can just write little cute imagines with them and their future together. but it really just depends what you want so please comment

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