[I] Ordinary Life

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Chapter One: Ordinary Life

Nineteen years have passed since that day. Miyuki lived her life knowing very little kindness. She was ignored by the village who feared her. Only two people had ever dared to show the woman kindness, her employer and the elderly woman who had found her all those years ago.

Miyuki walked alone in the empty streets. It was 6 am and the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. The young blonde woman absent mindedly played with her yo-yo as she made her journey to the cafe. The place was her pride and joy. She was the head cook and baker for the facility, much to the town's dismay.

It had been extremely difficult for Miyuki to secure a job. Everyone had turned her away in fear of losing business. However, Miyuki's boss, a man only two years older than her, was thoroughly impressed with her abilities and took the risk. His business did indeed take a hit, originally that is. But even the town's people couldn't deny her fantastic abilities. It didn't change the way they viewed her of course, she was still hated and feared. But with Miyuki working as his head, the shop became the number one cafe the town had to offer.

As Miyuki entered the quiet shop, she locked the door behind her. A calm and genuine smile spread across her usually stoic face. The cafe smelled of everything she had come to love. Cinnamon. Pastries. Pie. Chocolate. Fruit. Marshmallows. The blonde pulled her apron over her head and began.

The hours passed peacefully, with Miyuki absorbed in her work. It was clear that business was booming outside on the kitchen doors, but the noise didn't bother her. The remainder of the kitchen staff was as silent as always. The staff would occasionally talk amongst themselves but for the most part, it was a very quiet environment. And the only communication that ever occurred between Miyuki and her staff was business related.

"Miyuki," the young woman turned to face the kitchen doors. There was Yuta, her boss, with his head and hand poking through the door. "Table 5 has a special order." His smile was kind and genuine. He is an undeniably attractive man of above average height and shoulder length black hair. But agreeably his most attractive trait is his smile. So pure and full of kindness.

Miyuki returned the smile, although hers was soft and barely visible. "I'll be right out." Miyuki waited until the kitchen door closed before she looked back down at the dough in her hands. It had come together perfectly. He had come in at the right time. All Miyuki had to do was start proofing the bread dough.

The young woman worked her way out of the kitchen and over to table 5. There sat two men, both dressed in white uniforms and wearing hats. She could have easily mistaken the men for marines at first glance, but Miyuki was well aware of the marine uniform. These men were clearly pirates, and based on the Jolly Roger plastered on their pockets, they belonged to the crew that Miyuki was the most interested in. The Heart Pirates.

Yes, Miyuki has a special fascination with pirates. Having been treated as an outcast her entire life, Miyuki always dreamed of joining a crew and sailing away. There was one crew in particular that Miyuki had an interest in. The Heart Pirates, captained by the Surgeon of Death.

Miyuki hid her excitement well, but even she couldn't hide the child like excitement glowing in her eyes. She eagerly took in their appearances. The leaner of the two men wore a black cap that read 'Penguin' and had a yellow brim, and the other, a red head, wore a blue cap with a red brim.

"I was told that you men would like to make a special order." Her voice was soft and level, showing no sign of her true emotions as she pulled out a pen and paper from her apron pocket. "What can I make for you?"

"We would like two of your Triple Dark Chocolate Strawberry cakes and one apple pie. Also, I was wondering how many loaves of bread could we possibly get today?" Miyuki internally grinned. This order would be easy. She had already made a fresh apple pie and had eight loaves of bread in the oven, with three more in the proofing process. All she would need to make is the cakes, which just so happened to be her favorite.

"We currently have eight loaves fresh out of the oven." Miyuki's voice was still so soft, despite the pride evident in her voice.

The man in the black cap's smile grew. "Great! Then we would like five loaves please!" Both of the pirates swayed in their seats with happiness. A small smile finally cracked on Miyuki's face.

"I will go grab the pie and bread for you, but the cakes won't be ready for another five hours. We will happily deliver them for you." Normally Miyuki would quickly pawn off the delivery services onto one of the other staff members, but for the first time, she was eagerly looking forward to that process. She knew they were members of the Heart Pirates, and she was willing to do anything to meet the captain and hopefully join the crew

The two pirates exchanged nervous looks. "O-oh, don't worry about delivery! We can pick it up!" Just like that, Miyuki's hope went out the window.

Word Count: 910

Published: 3/29/2024


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