[II] Unfortunate Encounter

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Chapter two: Unfortunate Encounter

Miyuki didn't work the next day. She hated days off. There was nothing for her to do. The town despises her.

It was already midday when Miyuki finally rolled out of bed. She lives alone in the old orphanage, without electricity but at least she has running water. The twenty-one year old pulled on a baby blue cropped, sleeveless shirt, followed by her cropped yellow hoodie. It was strange to see Miyuki outside of this outfit.

She combed her fingers through her shoulder length blonde hair as she made her way out of the old orphanage. She was grateful that the sun wasn't shining bright that day. It was hidden behind fluffy gray clouds.

The streets were packed with locals and visitors. Children played with the remaining snow. If they hadn't treated Miyuki so poorly her entire life, perhaps she would enjoy busy days like this. Instead, she did her best to ignore the world around her. However, she couldn't stop the soft smile that graced her lips as she watched the children play. Miyuki would never admit it, but deep down she wishes she could have had friends to play with while she was growing up.

Suddenly Miyuki was hit in the side with a thud. A snowball. The blonde looked over at the kids, who were now scurrying around in a panic. "Run!" One of the kids yelled. Miyuki only sighed. Yeah, today will be a very bad day.

Miyuki kept her head down, ignoring the constant glares from the townsfolk. She made her way towards the cafe, which was closed today. Hopefully, no other people would be around.

When Miyuki rounded the corner and the cafe came into view, she found a man peering into the windows. To make matters worse, he had barrels of food and supplies next to him and weapons on his waist. Her hair stood on end and Miyuki stopped in her tracks. The blood in her veins ran cold, colder than normal.

"What are you doing?" Her voice was like ice. The man froze, slowly turning to face the young woman. "Get away from the window!" Miyuki ordered. She could tell the man was a pirate, but she was oblivious of the Jolly Roger branded on his breast pocket.

"Shit! It's not what it lo-" The pirate made a detrimental mistake by instinctively putting his hand on the gun hanging from his waist. Cutting him off, Miyuki charged. She tackled the man down into the snow before he could draw his weapon. The pirated growled and kicked Miyuki off of him. But the damage was already done, the snow had wet his clothes.

The pirate quickly scrambled to his feet and drew his gun, only for it to be kicked out of his grasp. Miyuki charged again, with her fist clenched. The pirate's skin burned when her fist connected with his cheekbone.

The pirate cried out and tackled Miyuki to the ground, pinning her to the snow covered cobblestone. Miyuki gasped for air and a fuzzy feeling flooded her brain as her head collided with the ground. The ground felt so warm, it was clear she was bleeding. But despite the throbbing pain, Miyuki smirked knowing the pirate had lost.

Her fingertips brushed against the pirate's sleeve. His clothing, wet from the snow, froze solid and the pirate screamed out in pain. The pirate released his grasp and jumped off of Miyuki.

Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief and stared up into the clouds. The pain was radiating throughout her body. Then the world faded to black.

Law and Bepo rounded a corner just in time to see one of their crew members standing over an unconscious woman with a gun. The pirate, Bellamy, was cautiously kicking the woman's foot with a gun pointed at her head.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" The scene didn't look good. The unconscious woman was lying in a pool of her own blood and Bellamy stood above her with his uniform half removed.

"Captain!" Bellamy glanced over the scene and grimaced. The Heart Pirates have a strict policy about consent and this situation was not looking good for him. "Captain, I swear this bitch attacked me."

Law didn't reply. Instead, he handed his Nochadori to Bepo and lifted the woman into his arms. She was freezing to the touch, almost as if she had been dead for a while yet she was still breathing. Her sleeves were frosted over and her eyelashes were coated in ice. Even some of her hair was frozen together. But it was much too warm outside for that. This piqued Captain Law's interest, as well as the visible damage she had done to his crew member. "Back to the Polar Tang." His order was stern, and Bellamy immediately obeyed.

Patching the young women up was a relatively easy task. Bandages were wrapped neatly around her head and the bleeding had fortunately stopped. The Surgeons had no concerns, though her head would feel awful when the woman woke up.

Somehow, the skin under Bellamy's left eye had almost been inflicted by frostbite and he was sure to be sporting a black eye in the morning. This only increased Law's curiosity. She was clearly a devil fruit user, the only question was what fruit she had. Obvio something to do with ice.

"Captain!" Shachi and Penguin came barging into the room. "We couldn't find her anywhere!" Penguin stopped and slapped Shachi's arm in an attempt to catch his attention. "Captain, I promise this lady is the best-"

"It's her!" Penguin interrupted, eyes locked on the woman. "She's the one we were telling you about Captain."

Law's eyes shifted down. So she was the cook the pair wouldn't shut up about. How interesting. "Penguin-ya."

"Yes Captain!"

"Let me know when the girl wakes up. I'd like to speak with her."

Word Count: 960

Published: 3/29/2024


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