[XII] Examination

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The next two months passed quickly. Miyuki's face healed but she was left with a scar running through her right eyebrow. Miyuki was slowly getting better, and despite her urges, she followed her captain's order. No more fights occurred.

Law and Miyuki never spoke about what he had said in the infirmary that day. Miyuki still wasn't sure what Law meant when he called her special. He had given her no indication of a meaning. And with Miyuki's view of herself, she had a hard time identifying anything special about herself.

"Hot!" Penguin yanked his head away from the mug. The crew broke out into laughter at the breakfast.

Miyuki reached out her hand and grabbed the mug from Penguin. She concentrated on lowering the temperature before handing it back. "That should be better." Penguin thanked her and hesitantly took a sip.

"Wow Miyuki, I didn't know you could do that." The crew watched her curiously. It was clear that Miyuki was learning better control over her devil fruit. It was also clear that Miyuki was doing better with her metal health too. Maybe they were related.

"I think I could regulate the temperature of just about anything if I concentrate."

"I'll keep that in mind the next time we overheat the engine." Shachi joked. The crew all nodded though. "Yeah, that could be really useful." One of them said.

Miyuki's icy exterior melted a little. The thought of being useful to the crew was amazing. They have given her so much and Miyuki wants to return the favor. Even if it's by completing small tasks. If she could be useful.

Miyuki clearly didn't think much about the fact she is in charge of feeding the entire crew. She is so used to it and enjoys cooking that she doesn't really view it as a job or as something useful.

"Can you cool my coffee too?" Miyuki grinned at Shachi and took the cup.

Breakfast passed quickly and now Miyuki was busy making preparations for lunch. They needed to finish up the last of the fish before it spoils. Therefore, Miyuki decided on sushi and grilled fish for lunch.

Law wandered into the kitchen. "Miyuki-ya," he greeted. Miyuki turned around with a bowl of rice in her hands.

"Captain, perfect timing." The blonde was lit up with a smile. "I need you to come try something."

Law approached the girl skeptically. This wasn't the first time Miyuki had Law taste test something, and in her defense she had never fed him anything gross. With the exception of the bread on her first day.

Miyuki eagerly passed Law a plate with a small grilled fish. "I wanted to try some new seasonings I picked up on the last island."

On the last island the crew had visited, they learned that both Miyuki and Bellamy had earned themselves a bounty after the bar fight. They had been identified as members of the Heart Pirates, but it seemed no one knew of Miyuki's devil fruit.

Law turned his gaze to the fish. It wasn't breaded, thankfully. It looked perfectly grilled and the smell was very inviting. Law took a small bite and nodded. "It's good."

"Thank you."

Law handed the empty plate back to Miyuki. "Miyuki-ya, before you start prepping the rest of the food, I need you to come with me. It time for your monthly check up."

Miyuki's eyes widened. She had forgotten all about her monthly check up. Thankfully she hadn't started grilling the rest of the fish yet. "Give me a second to clean up and then I can meet you in the infirmary."

The room was as bright as usual. The florescent lights outshine the rest of the Polar Tang. Miyuki knew the routine by now. She sat on the cold examination table and pulled off her yellow hoodie. She was left in her pale blue cropped shirt.

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