[XXI] Confessions

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The anxiety was overwhelming as Miyuki boarded the Polar Tang. Was she ready for this? Was she ready to finally learn Law's true feelings? Could she really do this? These questions plagued Miyuki's mind.

The young blonde sought out comfort by reaching for her snowflake hair ornament. A single touch opened the floodgates to her memories with Law and a feeling of peace washed over her. Everything would be okay, no matter how he responds. Miyuki knew all she could do was try.

When she reached the infirmary, Miyuki hesitated. She wanted this so badly, but what if things were better off unsaid. Despite these doubts, Miyuki knocked on the door. She waited and waited but there was no response. Just as she was about to knock again, footsteps echoed through the hall.

Miyuki turned toward the noise and spotted Law approaching her. There he was. Miyuki didn't waste another second, approaching her captain with a new found confidence.

"You said that you didn't want to hear my answer until we arrived on the island. We are here now and I know what I want." Miyuki started out strong. It was now or never. And she is far too stubborn to back down.

"Not right now, Miyuki-ya." Law looked distressed. The truth was that he was dreading this moment. He was battling with himself. Either continue to push Miyuki away or hold her tight and never let go. Neither side appeared to be winning.

Miyuki groaned in frustration. They were doing this, and they were doing it now. It couldn't wait any longer. "Yes right now. You made me wait to give you my decision for three months. You can't expect me to wait any longer Captain."

Law sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Fine." He grumbled. Miyuki nodded, pleased with his response. Confidence was radiating off of her.

"I'm staying."

Law blinked. "What?" A part of him already expected this answer, but it still came as a shock.

"I'm staying, Captain. The Heart Pirates are my home." Miyuki stood proudly in front of him. She wouldn't back down. Not on this.

"I thought you would be smarter about this." Miyuki glared at her captain but didn't respond. Law took this as a sign to continue. "You were captured by marines over a small bounty, and then you almost died when we came to rescue you. You should really give more thought into what is best for you, Miyuki-ya."

His words stung and only added to Miyuki's frustration. The young woman let out an angry laugh. "That's not fair! If this happened to anyone else you wouldn't be telling them to leave!" Law knew Miyuki was right but he wouldn't back down.

"I am simply looking out for your safety. You have been severely injured three times in the past eight months." Law responded to her outburst calmly. He wasn't letting it show just how much this conversation was getting to him. He wanted Miyuki to stay. He knew that.

"I'm staying and that's final. The Heart Pirates are what is best for me."

Law scoffed. He wasn't sure if he trusted Miyuki's judgment. "Why?"

Miyuki let her frustration take over, saying something she didn't mean to confess in such a way. "Because I want to stay by your side, dammit!" She had just unknowingly given Law the green light that he had been waiting for.

In a single moment, her captain had her pinned against the wall of the submarine. "Say that again, Miyuki-ya." His yellow eyes stared her down with an intensity that Miyuki had never experienced before. At this point, Miyuki no longer knew what she was doing, but she refused to back down.

"I want to stay by your side, Captain."

Law pressed his lips against her's so fast. It took Miyuki moments to figure out what was happening. But Law never let up. His lips moved feverishly against her own. He wanted this so badly and he had for a while.

Miyuki relaxed into the moment and let her instincts take over. Her hands clutched onto Law's hoodie. Their lips never stopped but neither of them could get enough.

Law pressed his body impossibly closer to Miyuki's. His entire frame caging in her small body. One of his hands slipped down from the hall and found itself around Miyuki's throat. He lightly grasped it, earning a choked moan from Miyuki. It was a sound she had never made before but she couldn't get enough of the feeling.

It all felt so good. There was electricity and she couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of Law's body on her own. It was everything and better than she had expected. This is what she failed to feel when Yuta kissed her. This felt right.

Unconsciously, Law's hips began to move. Seeking that sweet feeling of friction. Miyuki moaned against his lips. At the sound, Law's other hand dropped from the hall, resting on Miyuki's hip. He pulled her hips closer, allowing for more contact.

Miyuki broke the kiss by throwing her head back against the wall. Everything felt so good. Law paused his menstruations and took a step back. He observed Miyuki closely. She was flushed and panting. It made Law want her even more.

"You have no idea what you do to me." There were those gorgeous blue eyes, Law thought as they locked onto his face. She was so beautiful like this, flushed and panting just for him. He wanted to see more. But Law knew this was the first time Miyuki ever experienced something like this and didn't want to rush her.

Miyuki grabbed the strings of Law's hoodie and pulled him down. Their lips collided with just as much force as they had before. Law smirked. She wanted him too. She was asking for more, even if she didn't exactly know what more meant. And he was eager to give it to her.

Oh, he wanted to so bad. But Law pulled away again. It wouldn't be right of him to continue this without clarifying things first. Miyuki had confessed how she felt, so now it was his turn. Law gently grabbed Miyuki's hands. His touch was just as soft as it had been when he placed the snowflake in her hair all those months ago.

"I want you to stay by my side Miyuki-ya." Law knew he was bad at conveying how he felt, but he wanted to try his best. He didn't want there to be any misunderstandings between the two of them. "I- I want that more than anything. You have become something more to me." Law wanted to say more, but he just couldn't find a way to turn his feelings into words. Thankfully, Miyuki filled the silence.

"You mean more to me than anyone else. I value your opinion and company above everything. I treasure every moment that I get to spend with you. I have since the moment we met. You are my whole world Law. You mean far more to me than just as my Captain. I want to spend more time with you. I want to feel your lips against mine. I want to share my life with you, more than anything." That's when it struck her. Miyuki was in love. Something she never thought was possible. She closely watched Law's reaction to her confession, but he just stared at her with wide eyes.

Miyuki gathered what was left of her courage. She needed to say it now before she lost her nerve. She needed to tell him just how much he meant to her. Law needed to know. "I'm afraid I have fallen in love with you Captain. You've shown me a new ray of emotion that I never thought was possible for a person like me. I love you, Law."

Word Count: 1284

Published: 06/05/2024


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