[V] Advice

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Chapter Five: Advice

The following morning, Miyuki approached the cafe with a heavy heart. She felt guilty for how her emotions had exploded and for the way she had spoken to Yuta. Deep down she knew he was genuine, but she couldn't help but be scared it was all a lie. After all, she and Yuta hadn't started out on the right foot.

Back then, Yuta was scared of her, the same as the rest of them. He avoided eye contact and treated her like dirt. But that wasn't the Yuta that Miyuki knew now.

It was a little over a year ago when Miyuki got her job. When Miyuki first showed up, Yuta told her to get lost. That a monster wasn't welcome there. But at the end of the application process, he hadn't found a single candidate that was skilled enough to run a kitchen. Miyuki showed back up the next day and was treated the same way. But this time, he let her cook.

It was the moment that Yuta tried her food that changed everything. Her process was efficient, speedy, and thorough. And the product that came from it was amazing. That day, Yuta began to see the so called 'monster' in a different light.

He still wasn't kind to her, but he at least acknowledged her skill. And once Yuta learned that no other candidates could even be compared to her skill, he hired her.

It wasn't until six months later that Yuta made eye contact with Miyuki for the first time. He was surprised by what he saw. The so called 'devil' was just a young woman. At least, that was what his eyes told him. But Yuta wasn't ready to accept that fact for some time.

The next big change occurred nearly a month later when Yuta called Miyuki by her name for the first time. It shocked Miyuki so much that she dropped the dish she was holding. It was the first time in Miyuki's life that someone had called her by her name without leading with 'the devil'.

It took some time, but Yuta began avoiding interactions with Miyuki less and less. He even started swinging by the kitchen to deliver an occasional message and stopped bringing back complaints unless he believed they were genuine and not based on hatred for Miyuki. Eventually, Yuta began to greet Miyuki with a small smile every time he saw her.

Miyuki had messed up. It wasn't right of her to have taken her emotions and built up frustration out on Yuta. She knew they weren't friends, but Yuta had displayed that he cared about her in some capacity, even if he did just view her as a valuable resource like Miyuki believed.

When Miyuki arrived at the cafe, she was surprised to see Yuta unlocking the doors. He never got here this early. Yuta's head turned when he heard the approaching footsteps and he froze when he saw Miyuki. He looked, sad.

"You came." Miyuki barely heard him speak. His voice was filled with hurt and an emotion that she couldn't identify.

"I need to apologize. Can we have a meeting after my shift?" Miyuki left it out, but she had something else she wanted to speak to Yuta about as well.

When Miyuki reached Yuta's office, she sat down in a red leather chair and twiddled her thumbs. Her usual blank expression was riddled with guilt. "I owe you an apology, Miyuki. I behaved inappropriately by inserting myself into your life and grabbing you without your permission. I just hope that you can forgive me. It was never my intention to make you feel controlled."

Miyuki appreciated his words but did not respond. She was still trying to find the words for what she needed to say. After a short silence, Miyuki spoke. "I apologize for speaking to you so disrespectfully yesterday. That is no way for an employee to treat her boss." Her words stung. "I took my anger and frustration out on you, and for that, I am deeply sorry."

Yuta did his best to smile at Miyuki. "I understand. The way this village treats you is cruel and unfair. I wish I could say that I wasn't a part of the problem, but as you pointed out yesterday, I treated you unjustly before as well. I hope to earn your forgiveness for that someday." Yuta took a short pause before he spoke again. "I assume this means that you won't be quitting?"

Yuta's voice was filled with so much hope. Miyuki felt a pang of guilt knowing that she would be destroying it. "Today was my last day. The Heart Pirates have asked me to join their crew. They set out in two days and I plan to go with them."

Yuta stared desperately at Miyuki's blank face. He wanted nothing more than for this to be a joke. "Pirates?" He breathed out. "Miyuki you can't! You may not see it but this place needs you!"

Miyuki blinked. They need her? "No one has ever needed me and you know it. You said it yourself, everyone here hates me."

"You're just running away!" Yuta cried. "You've done nothing but try to earn the approval of everyone here and it's working. Don't give up Miyuki!"

Miyuki pondered over his words. Was it truly working? Were people finally beginning to accept her? She knew his words were untrue but Miyuki desperately wanted to believe him. All she wanted was to be accepted.

"Please, please don't leave!"

Miyuki remembered Shachi and Penguin. The Heart Pirates promised her a place where she would belong. Their captain, the Surgeon of Death, had personally guaranteed it.

"I'll think about it."

Miyuki searched everywhere for Shachi and Penguin. She needed to speak with Law, and quickly. She had already decided that she would join their crew but now she had doubts. Deep down she knew these doubts were nothing but fear that she wouldn't belong and Yuta's words hadn't truly affected her. But she was lying to herself.

"Shachi, Penguin!" Miyuki called out when she finally spotted two familiar hats. The pair looked at her and smiles grew on their faces. That gave Miyuki all the reassurance she needed. Yuta's words and her doubts disappeared from her mind. "I need to speak to your Captain."

The pair's smiles grew and they led her towards the sub. They guided her down a familiar path towards the infirmary. "Captain!" They greeted. Miyuki's breath caught when she saw the Surgeon again. He seemed taller and more imposing this time.

Miyuki took a deep breath. "Before I came here, someone that I," Miyuki paused, she couldn't say trust because that wasn't right. She sat for a moment before restarting. "Someone in my life asked me to stay. He told me that I have put too much work into this place to end things here, and that, despite how I am treated, I am needed here. He said if I leave now then I am giving up." Law furrowed his brows. He hadn't expected Miyuki to come all the way here just to turn down the offer.

"But that isn't true." Miyuki continued. "I am taking my destiny into my own hands, and accepting the opportunity to have the life I have always wanted."

Law grinned. "I accept your offer, Captain."

Word Count: 1207

Published: 3/29/2024


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