[VI] Departure

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Chapter Six: Departure

Miyuki was prepared. Time had passed quickly, despite having little to pack. Miyuki was now standing on the pier next to her captain. Something about his presence comforted her. She was leaving her home behind but she didn't care.

Most of the crew was already aboard the Polar Tang, preparing for takeoff. But Law stood on the pier with Miyuki to ensure the newest member of his crew was ready. There was something about her that Law was drawn to. Perhaps it was the fact that she was an orphan like him. Or maybe it was something that Law hadn't figured out yet.

"You ready, Miyuki-ya?" The blonde nodded, never taking her eyes off of the sea. "There is no going back. Once you get on the Polar Tang, you are mine." A shiver ran down Miyuki's spine at his words. Law clearly hadn't considered his words very carefully.

Miyuki grinned. "I was hoping you would say that." She looked over at Law, meeting his golden gaze. "I'm ready, Captain."

Law nodded his head, fighting the urge to smile at her choice of words. "Then let's go-"

Law was about to place his hand on Miyuki's back to guide her towards the Polar Tang when a voice stopped him. "Wait, Miyuki!" The voice caught the attention of Shachi and Penguin, who were in the process of loading up the sub. Every crew member not already inside of the Polar Tang stopped to watch the scene.

Yuta came running down the harbor. In his hand was a small blue flower that he was handling with care. "Miyuki!" Miyuki turned towards him, unaware that her captain had taken a step back.


He was out of breath when he reached her. Without speaking, Yuta presented Miyuki with the flower, which was missing a few of its petals due to the journey. Miyuki froze. She had never been given a flower before. Realizing that Miyuki didn't know that she was supposed to take the flower, Yuta reached out and brushed Miyuki's hair behind her ear. He smiled brightly at her and placed the flower in her hair. She looked breathtaking to him.

The crew watched curiously. This was certainly an interesting turn of events.

"Miyuki, I-" Yuta couldn't find the words. Miyuki was watching him closely with wide eyes and Yuta loved it. He thought she was seeing him for the first time. He knew that he was undeniably handsome and he thought Miyuki was just now realizing it.

He didn't bother to finish his thought. Instead, he placed his hands on Miyuki's cheeks. Her eyes widened even further. His touch was so gentle. Yuta pulled her face forward, carefully placing his lips on hers.

Miyuki's eyes never closed. She remained frozen as Yuta's lips touched hers. She didn't know how to react. All that she knew was that she felt nothing.

Miyuki knew what a kiss was, and she was well aware that was what was happening. But she thought a kiss was supposed to be shared by two people that cared about each other very deeply. That didn't describe her relationship with Yuta. She admitted that Yuta was a kind and handsome man, but she didn't care for him in that way. She had never cared for anyone in that sort of way. Miyuki's eyes began to search for a familiar face when Yuta pulled away.

He kept his hands on Miyuki, gently cradling her face, and pressed their foreheads together. His eyes were still closed and Miyuki realized that he must believe that hers were as well.

"I love you Miyuki. Please stay safe and come back to me someday." Yuta finally opened his eyes. He smiled kindly at her and reluctantly pulled away. Though this time he reached for Miyuki's hands. "You probably have to get going now, huh?"

Miyuki stared at him in shock. Her mouth moved but no words could come out. "She does." Miyuki recognized her captain's voice straight away. Her eyes desperately found his.

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