[XVIII] Shot

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Two days. That's how long it took for Miyuki to wake up. She had done well in surgery, and now it was time to see how she would recover. Miyuki had lost so much blood, so the crew considered it a miracle that she woke up at all.

Ikkaku was stationed in the infirmary to keep an eye on Miyuki when she woke up. Her blue eyes fluttered open, taking in the fluorescent lights. It was so bright and the moment felt all too familiar. She suddenly flashed back to the first time she woke up on the Polar Tang.

Miyuki was surprised when she regained consciousness. The last thing she remembered was accepting her death. She remembered everything. Being captured. The rescue mission. Getting shot. Things got fuzzy after the second gunshot. Though she vaguely remembered watching Shachi strike down the marine as she fell.

"Yuki!" Ikkaku had tears in her eyes. The female pirate was so relieved that Miyuki had woken up. That relief quickly turned to fear when Miyuki attempted to sit up. Ikkaku gently stopped her, placing her hand on Miyuki's left shoulder. "You should wait until Captain says you can sit up."

"Where is Captain?"

Ikkaku looked away. Law was most likely finally sleeping. He had refused to leave Miyuki's side. Claiming he had to keep an eye on his patient, but they all knew the truth. It had taken coaxing from Ikkaku and the guys to get Law to leave. But only under the promise that they would take turns watching Miyuki.

Before Ikkaku could respond, Bepo opened the infirmary door. "Miyuki!" The bear immediately burst into tears seeing that she was awake. He quickly approached the bed and cautiously hovered his paws over her.

Bepo's loud cries echoed through the halls of the Polar Tang. His voice reached a glum table, where Penguin, Shachi, Natsu, and Bellamy were playing cards. The four men all jolted to life at the sound of Miyuki's name. Shachi was the first to drop his cards and race to the infirmary, but the others were close behind.

"You're alive!" Penguin cried when the four men reached the infirmary doorway. They all struggled to be the first to enter the room. Natsu, being the shortest, won.

The four men joined Bepo and Ikkaku around the bed. Ikkaku reached out and grabbed Miyuki's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. They all looked like a wreck, with red puffy eyes. Though they didn't look as bad as Miyuki. She was paler than normal and was covered in bandages. Bandages around her head, torso, chest and right shoulder.

Shachi stared down at Miyuki with guilt written all over his face. "Can I have a moment alone with Miyuki?" Miyuki had never heard him like this before. But this is how he had sounded since she was shot.

Ikkaku and the others exchanged glances but nodded. They understood. They were all hurting but Shachi had been the one with her. They all knew he blamed himself. One by one, they exited the room.

The red head sighed and took a seat next to the bed. He took off his hat and ruffled his hair. Shachi kept his head down, unable to look at Miyuki in this state. He looked like he hadn't slept in days."You died you know."

"What?" Her voice was horse.

"Your heart stopped. I was in here when it happened." Shachi explained. A part of him knew that Law should have been the one to decide if Miyuki should be told, but he couldn't keep it in. It was eating away at him. The sight of his captain resuscitating her haunted him.

"Who all knows?" Shachi couldn't understand how Miyuki was so calm about all of this. He had just told her that she died and she was concerned about the state of the crew if they knew. What Shachi didn't understand is that Miyuki was just grateful that she was alive. That and she was still in shock.

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