[XVII] Battle

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All hell had broken loose on deck. There were twelve Heart Pirates on board facing an army of around fifty marines. They were massively outnumbered. But they were managing to hold their own against the marines.

Miyuki clashed blades with a marine. This was the first time she was able to use her cutlass in action. It was time to see how well all of her training had paid off. The young woman had come a long way from her first training session with Bellamy. She wasn't the same girl who had lost that fist fight so many months ago.

The screech and clangs of metal on metal filled the air. Her opponent was skilled, that was for sure. But Miyuki was keeping up. This confirmed a very important fact about Miyuki. Had she been armed when she ran into the two marines, Miyuki most likely would not have been captured. The only uncertainty was due to one of the marines carrying a firearm.

Shachi was facing his own opponent. His katana clutched tightly in his hands. Her focus should have been on the battle in front of her, but Miyuki felt a pang of jealousy that Shachi was able to use a two handed blade. She didn't have the skill or balance for it.

"We are running out of time Miyuki! We need to be heading back to the submarine as soon as possible!"

"I know!" Miyuki grunted, kicking the marine square in the chest. He fell to the ground and his sword flew out of his hand. Before he could get up, Miyuki kicked the marine in the face, knocking him out cold.

Miyuki coated her palm in ice and caught the blade being swung at Shachi. Her grip tightened and she pulled the sword and its wielder closer to her. She lowered the temperature until the blade shattered where she was holding it, then slammed the bottom of her sword into the marine's head.

Shachi watched her with wide eyes. He looked confused about what he had just witnessed. Miyuki shrugged this off like she hadn't just broke a sword with her hand. "Metal becomes brittle when cold." She explained.

Shachi just grinned at her and took off through the halls of the ship. Miyuki chased after him. They needed to find the boiler room and they needed to find it quickly.

"Miyuki, in here!" Shachi discovered the boiler room that was thankfully empty. Miyuki rushed forward and put her hands on the machine. She held her hands still until it started to make strange noises before eventually frosting over.

"Mission complete." Miyuki spoke confidently. She was proud of herself. It hadn't even been a challenge.

"Then let's get going. The faster we get off this ship, the better for everyone." Miyuki and Shachi ran through the halls, searching for a way back on deck. They were running through the halls when they came face to face with another marine. Before the poor soldier had time to react, Shachi punched the man in the face. He hit the ground with a loud thud and the pair of pirates quickly stepped over him.

"This way!" Miyuki turned a corner only to run into a familiar marine. "Shit!" Her eyes went wide when she saw the gun. Barely having time to think, Miyuki shoved Shachi out of the way. The next thing anyone knew, a gunshot was heard.

Miyuki stumbled back in shock. She hadn't felt a thing. So why was there blood pooling on the floor and staining her jeans? "Miyuki!" Shachi stabilized the girl, before looking at the marine in shock. The marine was staring wide-eyed, but cocked his gun again. Aiming it once more at Miyuki.

Up on deck, the crew was fighting for their lives. Most of the rescue team was simply fighting to knock the marines out. But casualties were inevitable. Law, on the other hand, was wreaking havoc.

Everyone paused, even the marines, when they heard the gunshot ring out. Taking the distraction as an advantage, Pengiun slammed the backside of his spear into the marine's head. Now that his opponent was taken care of, Penguin looked in the direction of the gunshot. But no one came out.

Then there was another. A sinking feeling filled Penguin's stomach. It felt wrong. Like something extremely important had just happened. Like someone had died. Penguin kept his eyes locked on the door where the gunshots had come from. But it didn't move. Even so, he kept his eyes locked there even when another marine began to attack.

Despite Penguin being distracted, he held his own against the marine. Just as he knocked the marine to the ground, Shachi came bursting out of the doorway. In his arms seemed to be a lifeless Miyuki. Both of the pirates were covered in blood.

"Captain!" Shachi's frantic and desperate call seemed to catch everyone's attention. He had tears and snot running down his face as he clung to Miyuki's body. Penguin paled at the sight. Shachi's katana was dripping blood. It was clear he killed someone.

Law turned at the sound of his subordinate's voice. He knew something was wrong. He knew it from the moment he heard the first gunshot. But nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. Miyuki lying motionless in Shachi's arms. He could feel himself losing control.

"Retreat!" Law ordered. His voice could be heard over all of the chaos. The rescue team thought that they won. That was until they saw Miyuki in Shachi's arms. The rescue team did as they were ordered but with a heavy heart. They wanted nothing more than to make the marines pay, but they didn't have time.

The marines didn't chase the Heart Pirates as they fled the ship. Instead, they focused on tending to their wounded. Unfortunately for them, Law had massacred at least twenty people. They finally understood what their commander had meant when he said they were no match for the Surgeon of Death.

"Place her on the table." Law ordered with a firm voice. Shachi was a complete wreck, but did as he was told.

There were two gunshot wounds on Miyuki's body. One in her lower left stomach and the other on her right shoulder. Her once blue shirt was soaked in blood. Things didn't look good.

"Get Bellamy-ya and Conrad-ya. I need blood and lots of it." He knew Shachi wasn't in any condition to take further orders, but Penguin and Ikkaku were standing in the doorway. The two were both holding back their tears but were quick to act.

"Shachi-ya, I need you to keep pressure on her stomach. She isn't dead Shachi-ya. Do you understand?" Shachi fought back his tears and nodded. The blood wasn't stopping. They needed to apply pressure or Miyuki would bleed out.

Word Count: 1124

Published: 05/01/2024


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