[XX] Yuta

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The Polar Tang finally docked at Miyuki's home island two days after her and Law's late night conversation, just as Law said they would. Miyuki was anxious to be back. She knew the town hated her. The only exception, apparently, being Yuta. A fact she discovered the day she left.

Miyuki still remembered his kiss and what it felt like. But she didn't feel anything about it. Instead, she found herself longing to know what a kiss with Law would feel like. Something she now believed that she would never experience.

A knock at the door pulled Miyuki out of her thoughts. "Miyuki!" It was Shachi and Penguin. Recently, Shachi had returned to his normal self. Something Miyuki was eternally grateful for. She had missed his playfulness. "Let's go look around town!"

It has been nearly eight months since Miyuki last stepped foot on the island she used to call home. But now here she was again. The townsfolk all stopped and stared as she wandered the streets with Shachi and Penguin. She could hear them whispering about how the devil was back but she didn't mind.

"What would you like to do?" Penguin and Shachi exchanged glances before looking at Miyuki. They knew exactly where they wanted to go, but they weren't sure how Miyuki would feel about it. They silently agreed that if she opposed the idea, they would leave it at that.

"It's lunch time, so how about we head to your old work. It won't be you cooking but I'm sure the food will still be amazing."

Miyuki wasn't sure how she felt. Of course she loved the idea of seeing the cafe again and she knew that the other cooks were very skilled. But she was uncertain about seeing Yuta again. Their last interaction had left Miyuki confused and full of questions, even still to this day. But she agreed.

"Great!" Shachi cheered. He grabbed Miyuki's wrist with a smile and led the three of them to the cafe.

When they arrived, Miyuki realized that it seemed bigger than she remembered. Working on the sub, she had gotten used to a smaller kitchen and now the cafe looked giant. It was in the same condition as the day she left. It didn't seem like anything had changed.

Shachi pushed open the doors and motioned for Penguin and Miyuki to go in. The tables weren't crowded but they weren't empty either. It was normal for this time of day as the lunch rush hadn't started yet. Miyuki glanced around but didn't see Yuta. She wasn't sure if she was disappointed or grateful.

Penguin and Shachi noticed her glances and shrugged. They knew exactly who she was looking for. They understood though. Miyuki had previously told them how confused she was about the situation. It was only natural that she would be on the look out for her former boss.

The trio ate rather quickly. The food was good but not as good as Miyuki's cooking in Penguin and Shachi's opinion. They spent the entire meal laughing and enjoying themselves. But just as they were beginning to leave, Miyuki spotted Yuta. And it was clear that he had seen her too.

Yuta froze for a moment with a shocked look on his face. But that quickly turned to a charming smile as he dashed towards her. Miyuki couldn't help but admit how handsome he was. She had almost forgotten. But somewhere inside, Miyuki wished that it was Law looking at her like that.

"Miyuki, you're really here!" Yuta wrapped his arms around Miyuki without caring about the stares from the other customers. He had spent the last eight months waiting for her return. He knew she would come back. Even if it was only temporarily. Because deep down, Yuta knew that Miyuki would never stay.

"Hi Yuta." Miyuki stayed frozen, unsure if she should return the hug or not.

Yuta grinned at her, not bothered by the fact that Miyuki hadn't returned the hug. He truthfully hadn't expected her to, but he also knew that his gesture wasn't necessarily unwanted. "Can we step outside? There is so much that I want to talk to you about."

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