[XVI] Rescue

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Law marched toward the marine ship with his nodachi in hand. Shachi was leading the way and there's of the rescue team wasn't far behind. Every single one of them could feel their blood boiling.

Law had felt the anger of one of his crew being captured before, but for some reason, this time it was worse. He couldn't explain how he felt. It was like everything had been amplified and he knew his feelings for Miyuki were to blame.

When the ship was in sight, the team broke out into a run. All except Law, who marched along with a dark and incredibly intimidating look.

The marines were just about to set off when the Heart Pirates reached them. The marines were in a frantic panic, abandoning their duties to arm themselves. The marine Commander saw the rescue team coming and yelled out "prepare for battle!"

All hell broke loose. Weapons were flying and people were scrambling on deck. Law effortlessly took down everyone in his way. He knew exactly where to go. This wasn't his first on a marine vessel and he gathered that it probably wouldn't be his last. "Shachi-ya, stick with me."

Law guided himself and Shachi deeper into the ship. His first priority was to find Miyuki. He trusted the rest of the rescue team to handle things on deck. The pair came across a few marines on their way, but Law took care of them without any problems.

When Shachi and Law reached the brig, what they saw confirmed Law's fears. Miyuki was hurt. The said girl was propped up in the right corner of her cell. There was a mix of congealing and dried blood on the cell floor, her hands, and the left side of her face. She was resting against the wall with her eyes closed and completely unmoving.

Shachi and Law rushed to open the cell. There seemed to be no Sea Stone in sight, that was a good sign. They didn't know of Miyuki's devil fruit at least.

Miyuki opened her eyes at the sound of the cell door opening. She saw Law before anything. Excitement and happiness flooded her veins. Before she knew it, Miyuki had gotten up and now had her arms wrapped around Law's torso.

"Law," she breathed out his name like a prayer. It was the second time Miyuki had called him by his first name. It caused a warm feeling to flood Law's chest. "You came for me."

Temporarily forgetting about Shachi's presence, Law hesitantly returned the hug. He broke away after a moment to grab Miyuki's face and examine the wound on her head. Law had noticed the snowflake in Miyuki's hand. He quickly realized the wound was from the hair ornament digging into her skull.

Law turned Miyuki's head in his hands to look into her eyes. Searching for any sign of further head injury. Thankfully, she appeared fine. "Are you okay?" He needed to verify this before he could ask anything else. Although he hid it in his voice, concern was written all over Law's face. Shachi had never seen his captain like this.

When Miyuki nodded, Law released a breath he hadn't realized that he was holding in. "What happened?"

For once, Miyuki didn't appear to be holding back any emotions. She was wearing her heart on her sleeve. "I was looking for you when I ran into two marines on the street. They thought I was a local at first and stopped me to talk. I almost got away but one of them was holding wanted posters and mine just so happened to be on top. I tried to explain that I was just defending myself in the bar fight, but they wouldn't listen because they knew I was a part of the crew."

Law nodded. This seemed to align with what Penguin had assumed about the situation. "What happened to your head?" His fingers gently brushed around the wound.

"I hit my head when they threw me in here."

Law nodded again and released Miyuki's face. Without a word, Law motioned for Shachi to hand over Miyuki's cutlass. They had decided to only bring one rather than both of her swords, that way Shachi was able to bring his own weapon too.

"Let's get you back to the Polar Tang." Shachi nodded at Law's words but Miyuki shook her head.

"If we leave now, they will follow us. I heard their commander say that they called in reinforcements. If we don't do something now then the marines will know our location and it will become an all out battle."

Law carefully considered her words. She was right of course. With this new information it was dangerous to just leave, but it was more dangerous to stick around and wait for the backup to arrive. At least out at sea, the Polar Tang could submerge. Here they are sitting ducks.

"What do you have in mind, Miyuki-ya?"

"Let me find the control room. I can freeze over their boiler and then they can't go anywhere. I'll be quick. They won't be able to follow us if I do this."

Law's eyes narrowed. Miyuki was full of determination but he was still skeptical. He knew that Miyuki had never used her devil fruit on such a large scale. There was nothing to prove that she was capable of this.

"Are you ready for that? You have trouble stopping your devil fruit from frosting over your sleeves. Do you really think you have enough control over your powers now?"

His words stung but she knew it was the truth. But over the past few months she had been training controlling her powers. All of her practice had truly been working. She could now effortlessly lower the temperature of a hot drink to the perfect point. If she could now do precision work, then this should be child's play. Absolute worst case scenario, Miyuki would just have to let go of control and the temperature would still lower dramatically.

"Trust me Captain. I can do this."

Law stared at Miyuki for a moment. If she was this determined and confident, then he had no choice. "I'm trusting you with this." He then turned his attention to Shachi. "Stay with Miyuki-ya. I want you both back at the Polar Tang unharmed."

Word Count: 1054

Published: 4/24/2024


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