[IV] Decisions

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Chapter Four: Decisions

The next day, Miyuki returned to work like normal. But a heavy thought weighed on her mind. Trafalgar D. Water Law's offer was playing over and over again.

"Miyuki!" Yuta cried out when he saw her. It wasn't like Miyuki to miss work and he, surprisingly, was worried about her when she didn't show up the day before. "I was so worried! Are you okay? Why do you have a bandage around your head?"

Miyuki blinked at her boss. He was concerned about her? "I'm fine, I just hit my head."

Yuta rushed forward and grabbed Miyuki's hand away from the bowl she was mixing. "That's not fine! Your health is important!" Now Miyuki was really shocked. Yuta had never showed such an interest in Miyuki's well-being. She knew they had made a lot of progress, but she was still under the impression that Yuta was scared of her. But now he was willingly touching her hand?

"I'm fine, really." Miyuki smiled softly at him, her blue eyes showing nothing but confusion.

Yuta dropped her hand and took a step back. "Okay, I trust you. But please tell me if you need anything."

This was all so weird. Sure her boss was a kind man, but this?

Miyuki continued to work her day like normal, putting the incident out of her mind. The rest of the staff treated her as usual. She didn't see Yuta again until early afternoon, shortly after the lunch rush. He poked his head through the kitchen doors and smiled at Miyuki.

"Miyuki," he called. "Some customers requested to speak with you." Miyuki nodded and left the bowl of batter on the counter.

When Miyuki made it to the dining area, she spotted the two men from the day before. Shachi and Penguin rose from the table and called out to her. "Miyuki!" They were excited to see her again.

Remembering the names Law had called them, she asked, "Shachi and Penguin right?" They nodded excitedly. Miyuki wasn't entirely sure which one was which, but she thought it was a safe bet that Penguin was the one with the hat labeling him as so.

"Captain told us that you might be joining the crew!" Shachi was so excited. The red haired man grinned at Miyuki and nudged Penguin's shoulder. "It would be great to finally have a real cook."

Miyuki felt elated that they had sought her out, though her face didn't show it. She wasn't used to people wanting to talk to her. "We are here to convince you to join! What time do you get off work?"

No one had ever asked to spend time with Miyuki before. She looked confused for a second before she smiled. Miyuki glanced at the clock to find it was 1:30. "My shift covers breakfast and lunch, so I should be getting off in half an hour."

The men looked at each other and nodded. "Perfect, we'll wait here then," Penguin said. Shachi nodded his head in agreement. Miyuki couldn't help but smile. For the first time in her life, she had plans.

Those thirty minutes passed quickly. And, just on time, Yuta walked through the kitchen doors. "Miyuki," he called. "I'm sorry to ask this, but could you stay until close tonight?" The rest of the staff looked at their boss as if he had grown a second head, desperately hoping she would say no.

"I'm sorry Yuta, but I have plans." It felt strange to say that. Miyuki had never turned down his request for her to work dinner. She had never turned down any of Yuta's requests.

Yuta blinked. "Plans... wi-with those men?"Miyuki nodded, confirming his suspicions. "Miyuki, they could be dangerous!" Desperately, he reached out and grabbed Miyuki's arm.

Miyuki couldn't figure out what was going on with Yuta. Why was he being like this? He never showed this level of interest and concern for her. He was treating her like a normal person. Like a friend. Friend.

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