[X] Land

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Miyuki had never slept better than she did after her and Law's talk. She may have only gotten four hours of sleep, but it was the most peaceful sleep of her life. She got up at normal to do her duties.

Miyuki was busy working in the kitchen when Law strolled in. He was later than normal and looked more well rested than normal. "Good morning." His deep voice got her attention. Miyuki poked her head out of the doorway with a fresh cup of coffee and a plate of food.

"Good morning Captain." Miyuki set the coffee and breakfast in front of Law with a small smile. This was unusual. Law usually arrived about five minutes before the food was done. "I'm sorry to bother you with this so early in the morning Captain, but we are starting to run low on our food supply."

Law looked up from his coffee. "We should be docking at the next port in a few hours. When we arrive, I'll send some of the crew with you to gather more supplies."

Miyuki nodded. This sure was perfect timing for them to be running low on food. She wondered how long it took Law and the crew to figure out the right balance of supplies for each venture out to sea. Especially considering their voyages vary in length and food consumption changes every time they add a new member to the crew. She knew it had to be more than blind luck.

Thankfully, Miyuki had a good idea of how much food they needed since she feeds the crew everyday. She knows exactly how fast they fly through the food supply since she controls the process.

"Thank you Captain."

Breakfast passed by surprisingly quick. It seemed everyone was excited to be on dry land again. It never bothered Miyuki, but the rest of the crew complained that the sub was cold when submerged underwater. Maybe without her devil fruit, Miyuki would feel the same way.

When they finally docked, the crew was ecstatic. They were ready to take their land legs back.

"Penguin, Shachi, Natsu, and Bellamy are with Miyuki gathering food." The Captain looked at Bellamy and Miyuki, seemingly unaware that the pair had patched things up a while ago. "And I don't want any fighting."

With their orders, Miyuki and the others climbed off the Polar Tang. It was Miyuki's first time on an island other than where she grew up. She looked around in awe.

It looked similar to her old home. There was snow on the ground and buildings littering the sides of the streets. Children running around in play. But no glares or whispers haunting her every move.

"Wow," Miyuki whispered. She spun in a circle with her arms extended, breathing in the falling snow. The guys all smiled at her. It was cute to watch and a nice change from Miyuki's usual demeanor.

"Having fun?" Bellamy couldn't help but tease her. Over the past couple weeks, a playful dynamic had developed between the two of them. They would ruthlessly tease each other but they knew that there was no harm intended. But it almost looked hostile sometimes from the outside.

Miyuki rolled her eyes at Bellamy's comment. She refrained herself from continuing her childish acts and marched forward.

"It'll be the fastest if we split up. I'll take Shachi and Penguin with me, and you two can take the second list. We can meet at the Polar Tang when we are done." Natsu and Bellamy nodded as Natsu took the second list from Miyuki.

Getting all of the food took longer than Miyuki expected. It was mid-afternoon when they were finished. Just like Miyuki said, they all regrouped at the Polar Tang. Miyuki, Penguin, and Shachi had finished early and sat for nearly twenty minutes waiting for Natsu and Bellamy.

"Took you guys long enough." Natsu and Bellamy rolled their eyes at Shachi's comment. They had enough trouble finding all of the food on Miyuki's list with their budget and definitely did not want to hear any complaints.

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