[VIII] Training

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Days came and passed as Miyuki got used to life with the crew. To no one's surprise, the young blonde had grown the closest to Shachi and Penguin, though Ikkaku wasn't far behind. When Miyuki wasn't in the kitchen cooking, she was usually found with at least one of the three. She was adjusting well to life at sea.

By now, word had spread of Miyuki's devil fruit, and everyone aboard the Polar Tang knew. This worried Miyuki at first. But she was surprised to find that the crew was not scared of her powers, instead, they were curious. Miyuki did her best to answer all of their questions, but it didn't stop the rumors from spreading.

Everyone seemed friendly, with the exception of Bellamy. But he seemed to avoid her. Bellamy was an interesting person, from what Miyuki had observed. He is kind and has many friends, but he holds a grudge for a fight that Miyuki still doesn't remember.

It was six in the morning and Miyuki was busy making breakfast when Law walked in. A "good morning," rumbled through the air. Miyuki smiled lightly at the man and handed him a coffee. They had fallen into this routine rather quickly and failed to break it once.

"Miyuki-ya," the Surgeon called out. The said girl poked her head out of the kitchen. "We have group training today and I expect you to participate." Miyuki nodded her head. She wasn't exactly sure what this group training entailed but she felt uneasy. Most of Miyuki's fighting capabilities come from her devil fruit, without it, she would just be a small and frail girl.

"I want to see where you stand in your fighting capability." As if sensing Miyuki's nerves, he added, "you held your own pretty well against one of the crew before. But I need to know if we can rely on you in battle." Law had every reason to be skeptical. He was being perfectly reasonable. So why did it trouble him to see Miyuki making that face?

Miyuki nodded, avoiding his gaze. She wanted to be someone that Law could rely on in battle, but she wasn't sure if she was there yet. The young woman sighed. She needed to change the topic. "The food should be ready in about five minutes." Law frowned.

This wasn't working and Law didn't like how it was turning out. He didn't like how Miyuki was deflecting. She was making progress. It was slow for sure, but she was moving forward and this felt like a large step back. "Miyuki-ya." But his voice fell on deaf ears. Miyuki was back in the kitchen.

When Miyuki reappeared from the kitchen, she seemed a lot calmer. Her face had returned to a blank expression and her voice was even. "Sorry for the wait Captain." Miyuki placed a fresh plate of food in front of her captain. She had been extra careful to give him everything but the bread. She had made that mistake her first morning on the Polar Tang and never wished to see Law make that expression again.

"Miyuki-ya," Law tried again. He was grateful that Miyuki seemed to be feeling better, but their conversation didn't feel over. Law didn't want her to think that he had no faith in her, he was just worried and didn't want to see her get hurt. Law wasn't sure why he felt this way, but he did.

"Yes, Captain?" They locked eyes for a moment and the world seemed to disappear. They sat in silence, just watching each other. Law tried to find the words but he couldn't. And before Law had a chance to break the silence, another crew member walked in.

"Yes!" Natsu cried. "Breakfast is ready. I'm starving!" Bellamy followed closely behind the energetic Natsu and grimaced when he saw Miyuki, but didn't say a word. Miyuki was glad he didn't.

Natsu eagerly sat himself across from Miyuki's plate and Bellamy beside him. He grinned at the blonde as she brought him and his best friend their plates and two cups of coffee. Natsu politely waited to eat after Miyuki returned to her seat. "This is great!" Natsu spoke with his mouth stuffed. The sight had Miyuki holding back a laugh, a small smile twitching at her lips. She was still getting used to people praising her cooking.

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