[XIII] Celebration

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The crew had been on a new island for two days. But today, everyone was extra enthusiastic. There was a festival being held by the town. It was the perfect chance for everyone to dress up and party.

Miyuki planned on wearing her hoodie and jeans as normal, but Ikkaku had different plans. The said woman came barging into Miyuki's room with a box in her hand. "I'm dressing up, so you are too!"

Ikkaku was wearing a stunning yukata. It was the same yellow as her headband and was decorated with a white flower design. She looked amazing.

"What's going on?" Ikkaku thrusted the box into Miyuki's arms.

"Open it and find out." Miyuki hesitantly looked at the box. It was wrapped in yellow paper and had a black bow tied around it. She glanced back up at Ikkaku but only found her watching Miyuki expectantly.

Miyuki had never been given a gift before. Not wanting to spoil the moment, Miyuki carefully began to unwrap the box. She saved the paper to the best of her ability, her careful fingers sliding under the tape.

Finally, Miyuki was able to remove the lid. Inside the box laid a neatly folded matching yellow yukata with a blue flower design. Miyuki gasped and ran her fingers over the fabric. It was so soft.

"I started thinking that you've probably never owned one before." Ikkaku explained. "All I've seen you wear is that yellow hoodie or one of your cropped shirts. With the way you were raised, you probably never had the opportunity to dress up."

Tears welled up in Miyuki's eyes. She was deeply touched by this gesture. Ikkaku was right, she had never owned one. Miyuki had never even owned a dress. "Is something wrong?"

Miyuki gently placed the box on her bed and wrapped her arms around Ikkaku. It wasn't her first hug, but it was rare for Miyuki to initiate them. "Thank you, Ikkaku." Ikkaku smiled brightly and stroked Miyuki's hair.

"You're welcome, Yuki." Miyuki had almost forgotten about the nickname incident since it has been a while since she heard anything about it. But this time she didn't mind. Yuki was certainly better than snowman. "What? Not gonna yell at me?"

Miyuki let out a choked laugh, still holding back tears. "Right now you can call me anything you like."

Ikkaku grinned. "Yuki it is then." Ikkaku looked at the yukata on the bed and something suddenly occurred to her. "You don't know how to put that on, do you?"

Miyuki shook her head. She honestly had no clue. "I'll help you get dressed."

Ikkaku helped Miyuki through the process. It took less time than Ikkaku originally thought. Soon Miyuki was fully dressed with the light blue obi wrapped around her waist.

"Wow," Ikkaku gasped as she looked Miyuki over. She was gorgeous. It was a nice change from Miyuki's usual attire. She looked gentler somehow.

When the girls finally exited the Polar Tang, they found lights and lanterns decorating the streets. Everyone walking around had bright smiles. There was a good mix of casual and more formal wear, so the girls didn't stand out.

"Hey, it's Ikkaku and Miyuki!" Shachi waved them down. With him was Penguin, Natsu and Bellamy. When the pair got closer to them, the guys all froze for a minute, taking in their appearances.

"Wow," Penguin sighed. A "you guys look amazing" came from Natsu. All four of them had a light blush coating their cheeks. The girls exchanged a look before Miyuki grinned and Ikkaku broke out in laughter.

"Never thought we'd see you two dressed up." Shachi commented. To this the guys nodded.

"Blame Ikkaku." Miyuki attempted to push her bangs behind her ear.

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