Bonus Chapter

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I love you. Those words played in Law's head over and over again. It had been three days since the confession but it was all he could think about. They were once again alone in the hallway. Law stared Miyuki down like a predator, eagerly awaiting her next move. Finally, she turned away.

This action seemed to snap Law out of his trance. He grabbed Miyuki's arm and spun her around. His attached themselves to hers with urgency. He couldn't find his voice to respond, but maybe actions would speak for themselves.

His lips moved roughly with Miyuki's. It was desperate and full of passion. Their teeth clashed but neither cared. All they could think about in the moment was the other one.

Law backed Miyuki into the wall. He needed her so badly it hurt. Every stroke of his lips seemed to light a fire in Miyuki. She was desperate for him to continue.

Suddenly Law stopped. Miyuki whined in protest but Law simply grabbed her hand. He yanked Miyuki through the sub until they reached a room. Law's room.

The moment Law got Miyuki inside, he attacked her lips. Pinning Miyuki to the door, Law's hands began to explore her body. His calloused hands ran over her exposed torso, staking claim over every inch of skin. Then one traveled up. Law roughly grabbed a hold of Miyuki's breast, forcing a quiet moan out of her. He brought his lips close to Miyuki's ear and whispered. "Let me hear you." It sent a shiver down Miyuki's spine. She knew exactly what he meant.

Law roughly groped her breast as his other hand traveled down. His fingertips lingered on the edge of her jeans. Miyuki moaned again. For some reason, she was desperate to feel his touch lower. Law waited for any sign of protest but Miyuki gave none. Instead, her panting and moans egged him on.

Law's fingers slipped under the fabric of her jeans and continued to creep lower. With every movement, Miyuki's breathing got heavier. She was throbbing, desperate for a touch that she couldn't understand. All she knew was that she didn't want Law to stop. Finally his hand cupped the place Miyuki wanted him to touch the most. Her core was screaming for him to continue.

Unsurprisingly, Miyuki was soaking wet. Her juices were dripping from her lips. But was surprised Law was the fact that Miyuki was cleanly shaved.

Law dipped his middle finger between her lips. He circled the digit around her core, causing Miyuki to cry out. She wanted more. She needed more.

When Law's finger finally prodded her hole, Miyuki moaned loudly. "Please." She begged over and over. Law smirked. He enjoyed having control over her. Law slowly pushed his finger past her walls. She was so warm and she squeezed around his finger in the most delicious way. Law couldn't wait to feel her wrapped around his cock.

Law didn't wait to start pumping his finger in and out of her. He loved the way Miyuki sounded. Her moans were getting more and more desperate. Miyuki's eyebrows squeezed together and her eyes fluttered shut. "Are you going to come, Miyuki-ya?" His deep voice set her even more on edge. She begged for more until an intense feeling washed over her. Miyuki's entire body relaxed and her legs threatened to give out.

"Ease there, Miyuki-ya. You did great for me." Law pulled out his hand and caught her before she could fall. But Miyuki whined when he did this. It was her first time coming, Law thought she would have been tired but Miyuki was still desperate for more.

"Please don't stop." Miyuki begged this while holding Law's wrist. Something inside Law snapped. He picked Miyuki up and threw her on his bed. He was hovering over her in an instant. He crashed his lips against hers for a moment before pulling away once more.

Law turned his attention toward Miyuki's white jeans. His hands instinctively reached for the button but he stoped himself. "May I?" He motioned toward her pants. Miyuki eagerly nodded her head. She was too turned on to feel embarrassed. He carefully removed Miyuki's boots and jeans, his eyes drinking in every new inch of exposed skin. Then he sucked in a breath as his eyes narrowed in on her underwear. Lace, black lace. Law knew right then that Miyuki would be the death of him.

Law pulled the underwear down her legs and tossed them to the side. He began to settle himself between Miyuki's tighs when her eyes widened. "What are you-"

"Trust me." Law ducked his head down and pulled her lips apart with his fingers. He examined her anatomy for a moment, admiring the sight of the pink flesh. Then he lowered his face. The moment his tongue made contact with Miyuki's sensitive bud, electricity zapped through her. Miyuki threw her head back into the pillows with a moan. Her hands instinctively pushed off Law's hat and wound themselves through his hair. She desperately held his face to her core.

Law got bolder with every movement. He was savoring the taste of her on his tongue. His tongue traced circles around her core, making Miyuki beg harder. Law loved that sound. He wanted to hear it every day. Law dove his tongue into Miyuki. He hadn't even been going for two minutes but she was just so sensitive. Juices rushed out and walls fluttered ruthlessly.

Law wasn't done. He hadn't been able to see what expression Miyuki made as she came undone that time. He needed to see it again. Law gave her no time to recuperate. He just continued his movements through her climax. It took even less time for the third orgasm to hit. Miyuki cried out his name so loudly that Law knew anyone on the Polar Tang had heard.

Law began to lift his head but was stopped by a pull on his hair. "I need you," Miyuki begged, tightening her grip on his hair. She had heard of sex before but was unsure of how it worked. All she knew was that she wanted to experience that with him.

"Miyuki-ya-" Law began but was interrupted.

"I need you to fuck me." Miyuki had heard that before, but she wasn't entirely sure what it meant. Though she was certain she had used it in the right context. All she knew was that she wanted more.

That was all it took for Law's self control to snap. His mouth was elevating above her ear in an instant. A deep growl resonating out of him. "I'm going to need you to say that again, Miyuki-ya." He ground ruthlessly into Miyuki's unclothed sex.

The small girl wimped under him. She wanted more. "I need you to fuck me, Law."

His hoodie was gone before Miyuki could process what was happening. Miyuki admired the sight of his tattoos while Law slowly unbuckled his pants. He wanted to savor this moment. Miyuki naked in his bed, panting and looking up at him with a fucked dumb face. It was obvious that she liked what she saw. And based on the way Law's member painfully strained against his jeans, he did too. Law yanked them and his underwear down in one go.

Law climbed on top of Miyuki. He teasingly ran the head of his dick up and down her opening, admiring her every reaction. Miyuki whimpered, desperate for more. "It might hurt a little bit." Law warned.

He slowly sank in, taking his time stretching out her walls. It stung a little, but nothing too bad. Law sucked in a breath as he bottomed out. It took everything in him to wait for Miyuki to adjust. Law spent the time whispering praises in her ear.

After a while, Miyuki experimentally wiggled her hips, causing herself to moan. Law took this as a green light to move. He slowly pulled himself out and sank back in, earning a pleasurable gasp out of Miyuki. "Fuck, you're so tight." Law grunted through gritted teeth. His self control was wavering.

Miyuki's hands clung to Law's back as she moaned with each movement. "More," she begged. Law quickened his hips, intentionally making each thrust harder. Miyuki's head pressed back against the pillow as she chanted his name. It didn't take long before the first orgasm washed over her.

Law continued his movements, getting faster and faster. His every move was encouraged by the sounds leaving Miyuki. He groaned lowly as Miyuki's walls spasmed again, squeezing him tightly. Law was sure to come on the spot if it happened again.

Law's hips ruthlessly rutted against Miyuki's, desperate for that sweet release. Miyuki gasped, moaning "Captain." That was it. That was the breaking point for Law. He pulled out, ignoring Miyuki's desperate whine. He came all over her stomach without even having to pump himself.

Law kneeled over her, breathing heavily. "Let's get you cleaned up. Law reached for a box of tissues at his bedside. He gently wiped the fluids off of her before throwing the tissues in the trash. Law examined Miyuki's face closely, bushing her blonde bangs out of her face. "I love you," he said.

Miyuki smiled up at him. "I love you, Captain."

Word Count: 1551

Published: 06/19/2024


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