[XIX] Communication

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The next few months were quiet. Law helped Miyuki with physical therapy, but other than that the pair didn't speak. Not to say that Miyuki didn't try. Law simply never responded.

Miyuki was finally getting back to normal. But she hated this new dynamic between herself and her captain. Even the crew was treating her differently. The entire sub felt clouded in a dark aura. It was suffocating. Miyuki didn't want to return to that island but it seemed like no one would listen to her.

It was late at night and Miyuki couldn't sleep. She spent hours tossing and turning before she got up. Thankfully the Polar Tang was cruising on the surface, so Miyuki could go up on deck and watch the sea and stars.

Miyuki silently made her way to the deck, eager to see how the moon illuminated the waves. She struggled with the door when she got there. Her full strength had still yet to return.

When Miyuki finally managed to get the door open, she spotted a familiar figure leaning against the railing. He wasn't wearing his hat, and it occurred to Miyuki that this was her first time seeing him without it. Law didn't turn around when the door opened, but he somehow knew exactly who it was.

"What are you doing up, Miyuki-ya?"

Miyuki hesitated. She wasn't about to admit that she couldn't sleep because of the cold shoulder he was giving her. She wasn't going to tell him this was the first time he had spoken to her outside of treatment since the day she woke up. She wasn't about to do that.

When Miyuki failed to answer, Law hummed. "Trouble sleeping?" He asked this as if he wasn't facing the same problem. It made a small smile grace Miyuki's lips.

Miyuki tentatively approached the railing. Fearing that one wrong step would cause her Captain to run away. But he didn't move, nor take his eyes off the horizon. "Yes." She admitted quietly.

"I thought you said you haven't been having anymore late nights."

Miyuki remembered the last time she and her captain had a late night talk. It was months ago now. "I never said I stopped having them. They just aren't the same as they used to be."

Law nodded. "Since you are off the medication now, we can start you on sleeping pills tomorrow night. You need to be sleeping if you want to fully recover."

Miyuki thanked him, finally relaxing a bit against the railing. Law was finally speaking to her. Sure, it wasn't the topic that she wanted to speak with him about. But this was progress.

"Captain," Law hummed. "Do you remember what I told you the last time we spoke out here like this?"

Law grinned. He still didn't remove his eyes from the horizon, but he repeated a question she had asked him all that time ago. "Do you ever feel like jumping in?" His tone was playful, but it had a slight hint of seriousness to it. As if he was truly asking Miyuki this.

Miyuki smiled at the memory but shook her head. "That's not what I'm talking about." She wanted Law to remember what she had said regarding her feelings about the crew. Her feelings about him.

Law frowned. "I don't think that we should discuss that right now."

"Captain," Miyuki began to protest but was interrupted by Law.

"I don't want to hear your decision until we reach your home. We should be docking in two days."

Miyuki shook her head. She couldn't understand why Law couldn't realize that island wasn't her home. The Polar Tang is her home. The Heart Pirates are her home. But she respected his wishes and dropped the matter.

Miyuki silently waited for Law to leave her alone, but he didn't. Every other time she tried to speak with him, he would either remain silent or walk away. But this time he stayed.

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