[VII] Welcome Aboard

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Chapter Seven: Welcome Aboard

Several thumps woke Miyuki from her sleep. It was a constant deep noise sounding from the metal walls. "Wake up already Yukidaruma!" Snowman? Did Miyuki miss something? More of the constant thumping made Miyuki realize it was coming from her door.

Miyuki groaned getting out of her bed. Her head was killing her. She remembered her captain's words from earlier, there would be a party. Miyuki didn't exactly feel in a party mood right now. She opened the door to find Shachi, Penguin and Ikkaku. "It's about time, Yukidaruma. We've been out here for five minutes." Miyuki glared at Ikkaku.

"It's Miyuki, like snow. Don't call me snowman." Shachi and Penguin exchanged glances. They were the ones that came up with the nickname, not that they were going to admit it now. Ikkaku just met Miyuki's cold gaze with a smile. "Aren't you delightful," Ikkaku teased.

Miyuki turned away. She didn't have the energy right now. The throbbing was only getting worse. Shachi noticed the sweat forming at the base of Miyuki's bandages. "Are you okay?"Shachi was quick to act when Miyuki swayed on her feet. He reached out, catching the young woman. "Woah there! I got you."

Miyuki mumbled an apology, clutching her aching head. "Don't worry about it. Did you get up too fast again?" Miyuki nodded.

"Sorry, Yukidaruma." Penguin said. The nickname just slipped out. It was so cute and it fit Miyuki very well, not that she was willing to admit it. "We shouldn't have expected you to get up so quick." Ikkaku nodded apologetically.

Miyuki still didn't like the nickname, but she let it slide due to their concern. "It's fine." She mumbled. Miyuki excused herself from Shachi's arms once she was stable.

"Come on grumpy, it's party time!" Ikkaku reached out to grab Miyuki's hand but Miyuki unconsciously flinched at the touch. Ikkaku furrowed her eyebrows. Something was wrong. "Actually, you guys go ahead. I'll help her get ready."

Shachi and Penguin exchanged glances. They had a pretty good idea of what was wrong. They knew more about Miyuki and had spent more time with her than anyone else on the crew. But Shachi and Penguin agreed, silently leaving the room.

"What's wrong Miyuki?" This was the most serious Miyuki had seen Ikkaku. From what Miyuki had seen so far, Ikkaku was kind and playful but not on the same level as Shachi and Penguin. She had a hint of seriousness hiding behind her playful nature, and clearly took her duties more seriously.

When Miyuki didn't answer, Ikkaku threw in a little joke to lighten the mood. She chose her words carefully as she had a hunch. "Missing lover boy already?" Miyuki's eyes widened in shock. "Oh come on girl, I saw the kiss. He's quite the looker." She teased.

Miyuki shook her head. "We aren't together. Yuta was my boss." Now it was Ikkaku's turn to look shocked. She never considered the possibility of Miyuki receiving a confession rather than a goodbye. Especially not with the words Yuta had chosen.

Ikkaku was finally starting to realize what was going on. Shachi and Penguin had told her of the treatment Miyuki received from the townsfolk, and now this. "So he forced himself on you?"

Miyuki shook her head. "No. I mean, I don't know." The twenty-one year old was having trouble finding her words. "I don't know if the kiss was welcome or not. Yuta was kind to me and gave me a chance when no one else would. I never felt that way towards him, but maybe I could have."

Miyuki was confused and lost. Nothing made sense and it made the pounding in her head worse. But when a hand lightly grabbed her shoulder, it stopped. "You don't have to know all of the answers, Miyuki. And just because someone was kind to you does not mean that you owe them anything, especially not your affection."

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