[XXVI] Mistakes

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Trigger Warning:



"Miyuki-ya? I've been looking for you for hours. What are you doing here?" Her Captain's voice caught Miyuki off guard. It was clear that he hadn't seen just who she was in this dirty tavern with. A wave of unease rushed over Miyuki.

Kid cracked a wicked smile. In an instant, he pulled Miyuki into himself, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Trafalgar," Kid greeted, his voice dripping with mischief. Law's gaze hardened when he spotted Kid. His yellow eyes locked on the arm daring to touch Miyuki. "The shrimp here has been keeping me company."

"Let her go, Eustass-ya." Law growled out.

Kid's grin grew impossibly wider. He pulled Miyuki further into his chest. "It's quite the cute girlfriend you got here. I might just have to keep her for myself." It was obvious that Kid was just doing this to get a rise out of Law. Miyuki squirmed, trying to put distance between them.

Law's eyes narrowed, an unidentifiable look taking them over. "Miyuki-ya is not my girlfriend, she is a member of my crew." Law said this with no emotion. Kid's smile faltered slightly. Had he misread the situation? No. He definitely hadn't. That was made clear as Kid watched Miyuki's face change.

Miyuki froze, her expression was unreadable. When she heard her Captain's words, the light in her eyes dwindled out. Her eyes became cold and lifeless. She looked as if all of her emotions had shut off, and she did it so quickly that Kid could tell it was familiar to her. The girl he had spent all day with, the girl who was full of life, now looked like a shell of a person. Even Kid felt slightly bad for her.

"If that's the case, then I think I'll keep her for myself." Kid grinned at Law as if daring him to do something about it. Law let out a deep growl.

"Get your hands off of her." It was clear that Law wasn't playing around. He wanted Kid to stop touching Miyuki immediately. But she wasn't trying to put distance between her and Kid anymore. She wasn't doing anything but staring blankly at her Captain.

Miyuki didn't care about anything right now. Not the way that Kid was holding her to his chest. Not how Law was clearly trying to get Kid to release her. Not even the obvious fact that Law was about to start a physical altercation with Kid in the middle of the bar if he didn't stop touching her. None of it mattered. She just felt disappointed and let down. Disappointed in both herself for believing that she and Law had something, and disappointed in Law for taking advantage of her naive beliefs.

"I don't know," Kid mocked. "What does your little subordinate have to say about the matter?" Both Kid and Law looked at Miyuki. Law seeing for the first time the damage he had done. Miyuki had reverted to her old self. It was like a stab to his heart.

"Miyuki-ya," her Captain called out. His gaze had softened tremendously.

Miyuki met her Captain's yellow eyes before she shifted her gaze to Kid. Miyuki took a step away from the red headed Captain, and he let her. Miyuki turned her back to Law and faced Kid. The moment she stopped looking at her Captain, her expressionless mask broke. She gave Kid a sad smile, while his fell completely off his face. "Thank you for keeping me company today, Kid. I enjoyed spending my day with you and Killer. But I have to go back to my crew now."

Miyuki walked out of the bar without so much as glancing at her Captain. "Miyuki-ya!" She didn't stop.

Kid had a deep frown on his face. "I think you really fucked that up, Trafalgar." Kid spoke in a serious tone. His plan had been a success, but Kid didn't really care anymore. It wasn't as if Kid really cared about Miyuki, but even he felt bad for the girl. She had spent all day by his side, and admittedly, he somewhat enjoyed her company. She was a breath of fresh air.

"Shut up, Eustass-ya! Go near her again and I'll kill you." After Law made his threat, he followed after Miyuki. "Miyuki-ya," he called out again. She didn't stop or turn around. She just kept walking.

It didn't take long for Law to catch up to her. Once he did, Law grabbed Miyuki's hand forcing her to stop. "Miyuki-ya," he tried again. Miyuki turned to face him. Law looked deeply into her eyes but found no warmth.

"I'm just a member of your crew, huh?" Her voice was like ice and full of venom. Miyuki let out a dry laugh.

Law's eyebrows furrowed, recalling what he had said. "I'm sorry that I said that. I-" Miyuki cut him off, rolling her eyes.

"And I'm sorry I believed you when you said you love me." She hissed through clenched teeth. Miyuki yanked her hand out of her Captain's grip. Law's eyes widened. He was just realizing how badly he had fucked up. "I'm a big girl you know? I can take rejection!"

Law reached for Miyuki again. "Miyuki-ya," his voice was dripping with concern.

"No Captain!" Miyuki pulled herself out of his reach. "You did this. You led me to believe that we had something that we didn't. I'm done." Miyuki turned on her heels and started walking again.

Law felt anger build up inside him. She wouldn't let him get a single word in to explain. Law reached out again, forcibly pulling Miyuki into his chest. "Will you just listen to me for a damn minute?! I didn't mean what I said back there." Miyuki struggled against his grip. "If I had told Eustass-ya the truth then he would know that he could use you against me in the future. I love you."

Miyuki's struggling slowly came to a stop when she heard him say this. Her eyes stung from tears threatening to fall. Law continued to hold her from behind. "I love you," he said again. Law said it again and again, each time getting softer. Miyuki's tears finally fell. Her Captain loves her.

As Miyuki's shoulders shook from sobs, Law turned her around and hugged Miyuki into his chest. He held her there, continuing to whisper those three words like a promise. "I love you."


Please don't hate me for this chapter! I think it needed to be done in order for Miyuki and Law's relationship to really progress. I promise you guys will really like the next chapter ;)! Like always, I hope you enjoyed and I would love to hear any feedback.

Word Count: 1081

Published: 07/18/2024


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