[XXIV] Kid

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After some time, the Heart Pirates arrived at the next island. Miyuki and the rest of the crew were ready to stretch their legs on dry land.

Miyuki looked over her reflection in the mirror. She wore her signature yellow hoodie and light blue crop top, her white skinny jeans and reddish-brown boots that matched the sheaths hanging from her hips. Miyuki ran a finger over the scar on her stomach. She wasn't self conscious about it, but it definitely stood out on her skin.

Her hair was down like normal and her bangs swept to the side. She carefully placed the snowflake in her hair. As Miyuki carefully looked over her reflection, she began to wonder about the makeup that Ikkaku had bought her. Ikkaku didn't wear makeup often herself, but she was still able to teach Miyuki the basics. Miyuki hesitantly reached for her nude eyeshadow palette. Might as well give it a shot. It's their first day on a new island so why the hell not?

When Miyuki was pleased with the look, she applied a light gold shimmer on top of it all. The eyeshadow look as a whole was subtle, but the shimmer acted as a highlight. Miyuki liked this subtle look. You could barely tell she was wearing anything. Miyuki glanced at her clear lip gloss. To hell with it. She carefully applied that too and a small layer of mascara. Miyuki looked her face over in the mirror, proud of her results.

Miyuki walked out of her room at the same time as Ikkaku. Ikkaku looked her over with a smile. "Are you wearing makeup?" Miyuki nodded, curious to know what Ikkaku thought. "Damn girl, that practice really payed off. You look very pretty." Miyuki smiled brightly. "Are you wearing it for a certain someone?" Ikkaku teased.

Miyuki blushed lightly and shook her head. Her and Law have been going strong since they got together. But Ikkaku can't seem to stop teasing Miyuki about it. She found her reactions adorable. "I was curious about how it would look."

Ikkaku smiled. "Well you look great! Do you want to come explore the island with me, or are you waiting for Captain?"

"I'll come with you. I can always meet up with Captain later. He's bound to be at the bookstore. Do we not have assignments today?"

Ikkaku chuckled. "Since Captain gave you a day off from breakfast duty, I guess you missed his announcement this morning. We still have plenty of supplies from your home island, so he told us to enjoy ourselves but to stay out of trouble. If needed, we'll get more food or any other necessities before we set sail."

Miyuki nodded. She had slept in today since she wasn't on breakfast duty. She was glad that she can just enjoy herself instead of running around and gathering supplies. "Then let's go explore!"

Ikkaku was grateful for her boiler suit as they walked around the island. The air had a coldness to it. She couldn't imagine being dressed like Miyuki. She would at least need a jacket to protect her from the cold. It wasn't like this was a typically cold island unlike Miyuki's home island, it was just a chilly day.

There seemed to be no marines on the island, which was good news for them. Miyuki and Ikkaku took turns pointing things out as they explored the island. There were a lot of shops. From what they had seen and heard so far, there seemed to be three distinct areas on the island: the clean and well put together shopping and residential area, the more pirate oriented area with prostitution, slave trade, and taverns, and the wild area relatively untouched by the inhabitants where they hunt, farm, and gather resources. It is a large island. Ikkaku and Miyuki are exploring the shopping and residential area.

"Let's check out this shop!" Miyuki grabbed Ikkaku's hand and drug her into an apothecary. Miyuki didn't feel guilt for dragging Ikkaku along for a couple of reasons. They were spending time together and Ikkaku had drug Miyuki into an auto shop to pick up a new wrench.

The inside of the apothecary was lined with shelves that held all kinds of herbs and roots. The owner, a gentle looking old man, was in the process of hand rolling pills. Miyuki walked to one of the walls to examine what it held. She noticed that in front of each kind of herb and root was a stack of double sided cards. The cards showed a hand drawn image of the plant out in nature, listed its physically identifiable traits, and its effects on humans. The apothecary held both medically beneficial plants and poisons and toxins.

"Can I take this?" Miyuki's question got the attention of the shop keeper. She held up one of the identifying cards. If she could, she planned to take one for each plant in the apothecary to make journal entries about them when she got back to the Polar Tang.

The apothecary owner smiled. "Of course!" He said. "That's what they are there for. Are you interested in apothecary, a doctor perhaps?"

Miyuki shook her head. "I'm a chef. I need them for plant identification when I am gathering raw ingredients." She explained.

The old man nodded, his smile never fading. "Take as many as you would like."

Ikkaku helped Miyuki grab one of each card, placing them safely in Miyuki's bag. Miyuki thanked the old man and the pair went on their way.

It was well past noon now, and Ikkaku smiled at Miyuki. "I'm going to head to the tavern now." Ikkaku announced, pointing in its direction.

Miyuki nodded. "I'll go check the book store for our Captain." Ikkaku waved goodbye to Miyuki and took off down the street.

When Miyuki reached the bookstore, she realized that it was much larger than typical. She was sure to find Law among the stacks. He could spend hours inside a bookstore this size. And he had.

Miyuki wondered the shelves until she spotted him. She was surprised to see that Bepo wasn't with him. "Captain," she said softly. Law turned to look at her and smiled.

They were alone and out of sight, so Law pulled her into a quick kiss. It caught Miyuki off guard, but the moment their lips touched she melted into the kiss. When Law pulled back, he kept his hand, the one not holding a book, on her hip.

"Were you looking for me?" He asked. Miyuki unconsciously bit her lip, staring into his golden eyes. She loved his eyes. His gaze was always piercing, as if he could see everything she was thinking. She loved them. Even when they were cold and calculated.

"I just got done exploring with Ikkaku and wanted to spend some time with you." Law nodded. It made him happy to hear that.

"Well you found me." Law leaned back in for another kiss, his lips lingering on hers. "I'm just about done. Would you like to help me check out?" Miyuki smiled at him. She was glad to be by his side.


Law and Miyuki walked through the streets side by side. Law was carrying his nodachi and a bag of books. Miyuki was looked down at the ground, a smile spreading across her face. This was nice. Even if they were walking in silence. Suddenly Miyuki walked into a wall.

"Watch it!" A deep, gruff voice growled. Miyuki looked up to see a massive red head, with painted red lips.

Miyuki was suddenly pulled behind Law, who stood in a protective stance. "Careful how you speak to my crew, Eustass-ya." Law spoke Kid's name mockingly. He glared at the red head. It was clear to Miyuki that Law knew this man and had an obvious distaste for him. Based on how Law said his name with such familiarity, she couldn't help but wonder how long they had known each other.

"It's fine." Miyuki reassured, grabbing Law's sleeve. "It was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going." Miyuki shifted her eyes to Kid. "I'm sorry for bumping into you."

Kid's amber eyes shifted down to Miyuki. He observed how she clung to his arm. How interesting. Kid smirked. "She's cute." Kid said this to get a rise out of Law. It worked.

"Watch it!" Law growled. Kid's grin widened. How interesting indeed. It was just the reaction Kid was hoping for. It helped solidify his suspicions.

Miyuki tugged on Law's sleeve. "Let's just go, Captain. It was my fault."

Law looked down at Miyuki, his gaze softening. "Fine." Law gave Kid one last glare before walking away, Miyuki hot on his trail.

Word Count: 1458

Published: 07/03/2024


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