[XXIII] Change

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Miyuki was snuggled comfortably in Law's bed. Law was long gone and off doing his duties, but he allowed Miyuki to sleep in. She just seemed so peaceful. And he was sure she was exhausted considering he fucked her three times yesterday.

When Miyuki awakened, she was greeted by a note.

You looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to wake you. I'm working in the infirmary. Don't worry about breakfast, it has already been handled. You have no duties today so enjoy yourself.


Miyuki smiled at the note, her light blue eyes glimmering with happiness. She was so happy. She had been ever since she learned that her dear Captain returned her feelings. Today they would be leaving the island. It was about time in Miyuki's opinion. It did her good to come back and clear things up, but now that the matters were handled she was ready to leave.

Miyuki stripped off the covers only to be greeted by cold air on her naked body. She couldn't feel it but her body reacted on its own. Miyuki stood up and began scouring for her clothes. They were scattered across the room. Miyuki dressed herself and peeked out the door. Thankfully no one was in the hallway to see her leaving the Captain's quarters. Miyuki slipped into the hallway, making her way to the kitchen.

Sitting at the table was Ikkaku, Penguin, Shachi, Bellamy, and Natsu. They were playing a game of cards. Ikkaku smirked at Miyuki knowingly. "You and the Captain, huh? About damn time." Miyuki flushed. Had they heard them yesterday? If they were on the sub, then they most definitely did.

Penguin, Shachi, and Natsu flushed bright red at Ikkaku's teasing comment.  "Law~" Bellamy faked a moan. Yup, they heard. Miyuki turned an awful shade of red. She had never felt more embarrassed in her life. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. How could she ever look any of the crew in the face again?

Miyuki desperately covered her face. Ikkaku punched Bellamy, trying to suppress a laugh. "Shut up." Miyuki mumbled.

"Oh come on Miyuki. I'm happy for you, really. You've come a long way since you first joined the crew." Ikkaku stood up and pulled Miyuki in for a hug.

"Really? I don't feel that different."

Ikkaku gave her a strange look. Did Miyuki really not realize how much she has changed? The girl is practically a different person. She finally acts alive. "Miyuki, almost everything about you has changed," Ikkaku said.

Miyuki looked down at her hands as if she would miraculously see something different about herself. Physically she looked almost the same. The way she dressed stayed the same. Although she didn't wear her signature cropped, yellow hoodie every day now. She had gained a hair ornament, courtesy of her beloved Captain, but her hair hadn't changed. Sure she had some scars now, but that was it.

"You're happier now Miyuki. At least you seem to be." Ikkaku spoke slowly, trying to process how Miyuki couldn't see it herself. "When you first joined the crew, you were this cold shell of a person that hardly showed emotion. Now you smile freely and have this spark of joy in your eyes. You've grown so much stronger, not just physically but also mentally. You speak your mind and fight for what you believe in. You trust in people now, Miyuki."

Miyuki blinked, processing what Ikkaku had just said. Now that she thought about it, she realized that Ikkaku was right. She wasn't the same person that she was when she joined the crew. She wasn't the same person she was when she met Law. She had grown tremendously. She may still struggle with depression, but she has finally seen the joys of life. She finally has a family. People that love and care about her. People that want to protect her.

After a while of everyone waiting for Miyuki's reaction, she smiled. A bright, joyful, beautiful smile. It was a smile of pure happiness. She looked overjoyed by the realization. Suddenly, Miyuki pulled Ikkaku in for a hug. She squeezed her tight and then moved on to Shachi. Miyuki traveled around the room hugging each of her friends with a short, tight squeeze. "Thank you so much," she said.

Miyuki spun around the room like a delighted little kid. This was exactly what Ikkaku was talking about. Miyuki had changed so much. Her face lit up with an awfully brilliantly stupid idea. "I am going to go say goodbye." She declared suddenly.

Ikkaku raised an eyebrow. "Say goodbye to who?"

"The town. I have some unfinished business." Miyuki stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Shachi spoke up. "I don't think that's a very good idea." He warned. Miyuki shook her head. She was doing this. She had decided.

Shachi and Penguin exchanged looks, silently agreeing on something as Miyuki ran out of the room. "We'll go after her." They declared. Both men stood up and chased after the blonde who had seemingly lost her mind.

Miyuki led them into town. They had no idea where she was going but it seemed like Miyuki had a clear destination in mind. Before they knew it, Miyuki had taken them to the local bookshop. Miyuki rushed inside, followed closely by Shachi and Penguin. "Hey, old man!" Miyuki shouted.

Penguin and Shachi had no idea who this old man was or what his relation to Miyuki was. But before they could stop her, Miyuki ran at the man and pulled him into a hug. The old man stuttered, completely flabbergasted. What the hell was she doing? "Thank you for everything," she said. "And your wife was one amazing woman. She is the reason I survived childhood and I will forever be grateful for that." Miyuki released her grip and stepped back. "You married one hell of a kind woman."

Miyuki turned to leave without waiting for the man's response. She said what she needed and now it was time to go. After all, the old man probably wanted her gone anyways. But she stopped when she heard the old man speak. "Wait!" He said. "You are always welcome here Miyuki." That was the first time someone from the town had called Miyuki by her name without malice. Miyuki smiled brightly at the man and waved. Then she was gone.

Penguin and Shachi chased after Miyuki again, desperately trying to keep up. As Miyuki passed people in the street she shouted "fuck you" at them, with the exception of children. Miyuki had clearly lost her damn mind. Finally the reached the orphanage that Miyuki called home for the majority of her life.

"What are we doing here?" Penguin asked. Miyuki grinned wildly.

"I wanna burn it to the ground." She declared.

Shachi's eyes widened drastically. "Let's not do that!" Yeah, Miyuki had officially lost it. The blonde rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry," she said, "I'm not actually going to do that. No matter how much I want to watch this place go up in flames." Miyuki took a deep breath before stepping inside. "I'm here to grab some things that I left behind and to say goodbye." Penguin and Shachi exchanged glances. They weren't sure that being here was a good idea. They knew this place was a major source of trauma for Miyuki.

Miyuki led them through the abandoned orphanage until she reached her old room. There was a crusty, old mattress on the floor and the walls were covered in torn and peeling wallpaper. The room made Penguin and Shachi shiver. Hanging on the wall were drawings. Miyuki carefully pulled them off the wall. "That's what you came here for?" Penguin's question wasn't meant to be rude. He was genuinely curious.

"Yeah," Miyuki responded softly. The picture in her hand was clearly drawn when she was a child. It displayed a small child, labeled Miyuki, holding a taller woman's hand. The woman was labeled Old Hag. "Let's go home."

Word Count: 1345

Published: 06/19/2024


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