1x2: New Friends

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"You look... calm," the horse-masked woman noted. "Like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders." 

Jacket stared at her with somber expression on his face. 

Don Juan tilted her head curiously. "Are you doing alright?" 

"I'm fine." 

"Are you? Or are you just saying that?" She said in an half-objection. 

He sighed and let his shoulders fall. "I don't know." 

Don Juan stands and approaches him. The rubber mask rots and fades away, revealing the soft face of his girlfriend. "You don't have to fight anymore," she says, cupping his cheek in her palm. 

Jacket leaned into her hand. "I know."

Jacket's eyes flutter as he wakes, low conversations surrounding him on the airship. He sighed while he rolled his neck and sat up. 

"To think I'd fall asleep in a plane," he joked to himself. "What a fucking world." 

"Oh, I can't believe my little sister going to Beacon with me!" A girl voiced with almost overexaggerated excitement. 

Jacket glanced over, seeing a blondie squeeze the life out of Ruby. And, by the looks of it, she hadn't spotted him yet. 

"Ah, this is the best day ever!" The blondie continued. 

"Please stop," Ruby croaked out. 

"But I'm so proud of you!" Exclaimed Blondie McBombshell. 

"Really, Yang, it was nothing," replied Ruby.

"What are you talking about, Ruby? It was incredible!" 

Jacket silently agreed. Sure, there was only a few guys she was fighting, but that doesn't take away from the fact that absolutely whooped their ass with little effort. 

"Everyone's gonna think you're the bee's knees!" Yang told her with avid praise. 

"I don't wanna be the bee's knees, okay? I don't want to be any kind knees! I just want a normal girl with normal knees!" Ruby ranted adamantly. 

"What's with you, Ruby? Aren't you excited?" 

"Of course I'm excited, Yang," she affirmed. "I got moved up two years ahead of everyone at Signal. But I don't want anyone to think special."

"But you are special, Rubes."

"I wouldn't say special, but she is certainly talented at her age," Jacket remarked in silence. 

"The robbery was led by nefarious criminal, Roman Torchwork, who continues to evade authorities," a voice suddenly spouted. 

Jacket turned and watched the sudden news report. The smiling face of the criminal from last night was plastered on the screen, and it made Jacket scoff. "So, you think you're a big shot, huh?" he retorted, glaring at the screen.   

"Back to you, Lisa," said the reporter.

The mugshot fades and a woman's face replaces it. 

"Thank you, Cyril," replied Lisa. "In other news, a Faunus rights protest turned sour as White Fang members showed up, disrupting the ceremony..."

Jacket tuned out the report's voice as he slouched forward, resting his arm. "I wish I stayed asleep," he grumbled to himself in thought. 

"Jacket!" Ruby called. Her high-pitched voice making him snap to her direction. 

However, Ruby couldn't strike up a conversation as the broadcast cut off and Miss Riding Crop appeared.

"Hello, and welcome to Beacon," said the woman, sounding incredibly artificial.

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