2x5: Loathsome Regret

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Weiss stared blankly at her notebook. The scribbled notes of the lesson morph into long lines of ink on a piece of paper. 

"Hey, Weiss, are you okay?" Blake's voice made her wince. 

"I should be asking you that," Weiss thought, keeping her eyes on her notebook. 

"Ms. Schnee, are you alright? You don't look well," Asked Mr. Port, his voice snapping her out of her short-lived daze. 

"Of course, sir. I... didn't get much sleep, is all," Weiss replied, sitting up and wiping the minor exhaustion from her eyes. 

"Very well," he said, refocusing on the lesson. 

She took a deep breath, cleared her mind, and paid attention as best she could. For the rest of class, Weiss kept a close eye and ear on Mr. Port, picking through his words, and writing down the most essential pieces. She did this until the abrupt chime of the bell told her otherwise. 

"Alright, class, your homework for today is to ponder and think about everything you've heard. Remember, the Grimm can be cunning, and although they aren't the brightest, they certainly aren't stupid either."

After Port's important piece of knowledge to keep, everyone began filing out of the classroom with haste. Weiss was stuck gathering some of her things while most of her team had already left until a bandaged hand reached over, taking her notebook. 

"Since when did you have one of these?" Asked Jacket curiously, skimming through the scribbled notes. "I never saw you with one till now." He shut it as he looked back at her. 

Weiss stayed silent. Her movements became more rushed under his gaze. 

"Have you spoken to her?" He asked evenly, raising a brow in her direction. Although unintentional, he sounded condescending in a way. 

"No," she stated in reply.


Her breath hitched. "What does it matter to you?!" She fumed in a whisper. "You're nothing but a psychotic murderer! This should be the least of your concerns!"

Jacket eyed her in a cold and silent glare. "My conduct is of high importance, Weiss. More than you could understand," he details in an even tone. "But, my concern for your team composition is genuine worry."

His statement takes her by surprise, and her eyes go wide. 

"Mr. Fritz, Ms. Schnee, unless you're discussing notes about my lesson, I suggest you leave and head to your next class," Mr. Port tells them with a bearded smile.

Jacket glanced in the professor's direction and then nodded in response. "C'mon, we'll talk on the way." 

She tries to protest, but he stops her with a simple gesture. "Please, don't let ignorance destroy you as it did me." 

Again, fierce surprise consumed her. Regardless, Weiss finished gathering her things and stood up, following behind Jacket as they exited Port's classroom. A few moments of silence accompanied them before Fritz upended it. "I know that our little heart-to-heart wasn't the most uplifting, but it was necessary to open your eyes to the bigger picture," he started, keeping his eyes forward but slowing down to match her pace. 

"Oh, sure, because telling me that you're a merciless murderer was the best thing to do," she retorted spitefully. 

"It worked. Do you understand the suffering that you and others imposed on the Faunus? White Fang or otherwise."

Weiss scoffed in reply. "Sure."

"Although, to be clear, I wasn't trying to undermine the troubles your family had gone through." He turned to her as he spoke further, "I was only trying to help you see the opposite side, I guess." 

She crossed her arms and let her gaze fall to the floor; a long sigh fell from her. "I knew my father's... business practices were unorthodox, but I had no idea how cruel he could be." Her grip around her arms went taut at the thought.

Jacket hummed quietly in agreement. "No one would blame you for that. Well, not purposefully."

"Maybe," Weiss stated offhandedly. "But, yes, it did help me. I... mostly understand such widespread hatred and violence can lead to the choices made by the more 'radical' White Fang." 

"Good," he said—his hoarse and usually emotionless voice showing some vague sense of happiness or pride. "I get that you may be afraid of talking to Blake, considering your last chat with her didn't go well, but you have to do it. Of course, that doesn't have to happen today, but you should do it soon." 

She sighed, knowing full well that he was right and that she couldn't put it off anymore. It's been a week since Blake came back, and she's yet to speak to or look at her.

"You don't have to rush to do it. Just... make that decision when you're well and ready, Weiss." 

Weiss smiled from the tone of his voice. "You sound like my sister," she mumbled with nostalgia. 


"Nothing," she said. "My class right here." Weiss pulled ahead of him before stopping just in front of it. "I-"

"If you're gonna give me some kind of apology, save it for Blake, or else you'll be my next target. That's a joke, by the way." That clarification didn't stifle her lingering fear despite his genuine attempt to do so. "See you 'round, Weiss." 

Jacket threw up a two-fingered peace sign as he walked away, putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Weiss watched him for a long while then disappeared into the classroom beside her. 

"Ah, Ms. Schnee, you're late," stated the disapproving Goodwitch. "Do try to be on time, or you will have to stay with me after class."

Weiss nodded understandingly then went into the stands to take her seat.

"Alright, class, now that we have everyone, who would like to be come up and test their combat skills?" 

"I would," said the always confident Pyrrha. 

"Ah, Ms. Nikos, who would you like to be your opponent?" 

Before she could answer, a certain blonde-haired firecracker shot to her feet. "I'd like to try face Pyrrha," blurted Yang, a smile matching Pyrrha's confidence stretched across her face. 

"Do you accept, Ms. Nikos?" 

"Of course," said Pyrrha. 

The shared look between them were like two powerhouses squaring off, ready to brawl until dawn.  

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