3x8: Presage

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A polished silver light stained the aerial Coliseum and its guests. Yang felt their eyes piercing her from every direction possible and ticking in her ear like drums being pounded on. Port's voice seemed like white noise against of cacophony of cheers from a massive crowd.

"Can you believe this, Yang?" Penny's voice pushed through, overshadowing cheers. "We've made it to the final stage!"

Yang smiles and scans the stands. "Yeah, it's... still a little hard to believe. But we made it!"

"Woah, gettin' too excited, ladies. You've still gotta beat me!" Mercury's smug grin stings her but also ignites her pride.

"It's me you have to worry about!" She snaps, a wide grin plastered on her face. "And just because we're all buddy-buddy doesn't mean I won't hesitate to lay you out."

"You'd be lucky even to graze me!" Spat Mercury, a cocky, shit-eating grin, attached his face.

The two glared at one another, sparks flying until Port's loud voice snatched their attention.

"Alright, everyone! The match will commence soon! So grab your popcorn and get comfy because this will be the fight of a lifetime!" Bellowed Port, his voice echoing amongsr dark sea of stars.

Four panels strung to life around the four fighters—their faces cycle in and out as if playing slots. Then, finally, it slowed and stopped on Yang and Mercury. They snapped toward one another, scorching glares aimed at the other.

"Good luck, Yang!" Cheered Penny.

"Break a leg!" Shouted Pyrrha.

Beneath the two fighters, a lock snaps, and the hidden platform ascend into the arena's true center.

"What's the matter? Getting cold feet?" Chimes Mercury.

"Nah, just didn't expect to rise above it all so soon," Yang replied, watching the crowd, turning to face him moments later.

"Wouldn't get used to it if I were you. After all, everyone falls eventually."

Yang scoffs and chuckles. "Well, it looks like it's your turn."

They take up fighting stances, staring each other down. The drone of the crowd died and transformed into white noise. Then, finally, the bell rang, piercing the thick silence, and the two lunged at each other—clashing in a cloud of dust and sparks. Yang takes the lead, throwing a left hook at his abdomen. He drops and sweeps the leg, but she jumps back and launches an incendiary round at his head. Mercury dodges and throws his feet at her stomach, his weighted boots launching buckshot into her. Yang recovers from the hit and pounces at him—her Ember Celica propelling her like a missile. Her fist slams into Mercury's face like a hammer, sending him reeling toward the platform's edge. His gun boots stop his fall by launching himself back at her. Yang sidesteps him and grabs his leg, slamming him into the platform. She continues, unleashing a volley of punches at him. A cloud of dust forms around Mercury as Yang continuously fires at him. Spectators in the audience watch as Mercury's aura drains gradually—until Yang's bullet storm ceases.

"Not too late to forfeit, Mercury! I can show a little mercy!" Yang taunts, cautiously eyeing the opaque cloud.

Then, within an instant, a hailstorm of bullets rivaling her own began forming overhead. As the dust cleared, Mercury took form, spinning on his head while Talaria fired round after round above. Fear burns in her gut as the dozens of bullets grow in number.

Mercury's laugh emanates in a discordant tone. "Not too late to beg for forgiveness, Yang!"

Yang's eyes flick between him and the cloud of bullets. She steels herself and moves to fire another volley, but Mercury shifts his body, slamming his boot toward her and guiding a mass of shells to rain down upon her. Like Mercury, her aura gage fell drastically, more than her opponent's by a wide margin. 

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