2x3: An Old Calling

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"Hey, where did Fritz go?" Mary asked, passing out the menus.

"Oh, uh, he went to the bathroom," Yang replied. "He got some coffee on his hands. But you're right, he has been in there for a little while."

"Really?" She said curiously, glancing at the bathroom. "Are you sure he's okay?"

"Yeah. Not much seems to get under his skin," Yang told her. "Not that it could anyway. He was practically born with thick skin."

Mary's silence held while she stared at the male bathroom door. An odd, yet familiar, feeling welled up in her. It was like she was nudged forward, almost compelled in a way, to go check on him.

"I'll... be right back," she said, setting down her pen and paper.

As she walked to the bathrooms, a sense of Déjà Vu ran up and down her spine. Then, the door opened while she was only a couple meters away. Jacket stood, a fractured frown and half-lid eyes staring at the floor.

"Hey," Mary said unevenly. Her voice being near to a whisper.

Fritz drew in a breath and looked up at her.

"Are you alright?" She asked. Her concerned expression nearly made him flinch.

"I'm fine, S... Mary," Fritz replied tautly. "It's just been a bad day is all." He looked up at her as he spoke.

"Y-Yeah! Just wanted make sure you were alright. After all, we can't have a beloved customer be down in the dumps!" She awkwardly stammered, trying to play it off.

"Of course. Bad for business, right?" He said hollowly.

She nodded, averting his eyes. "Your menu is over there. I'll be back to take your order."

Jacket gave a thumbs-up before walking past her. Another wave of Déjà Vu going up her spine.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Ruby asked, a tinge of concern mixed curiosity in her voice.

"Just lost track of time," he said, emotionless and bleak.

Ruby wanted to press him, but she knew he wouldn't say. So, she left him to his silence.

"So, uh, what can I get y'all?"

"Medium rare steak, chicken, and a cheeseburger. Please," said Jacket.

"Same as him," said Yang, shooting him a glance.

"I'll have just a burger," said Ruby.

"Alright, I'll be back soon with your food!" Mary told them with a smile. Her eyes lingering on Jacket as she walked away.

Yang's eyes flick between Jacket and Mary, a smile spreading across her face. "You like her, don't you?"  

He stared and cocked a brow.

"Oh, don't play coy," she said sassily. "I've got an eye for this kind of stuff, and you two stink of love at first sight."

He sighed. "No. She just uh.. looks like someone I knew."

"And who is this someone?" Yang prodded curiously, leaning forward on her elbow. An almost smug smile on her face. 

"My girlfriend," he replied, sounding distant and mournful. "She... passed a couple months ago."

The sister's eyes widened before they glanced at one another then back to him. Their expressions reeking of empathy and sorrow. 

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" Yang said, trying to apologize for her nosiness. 

Jacket waved off her sympathies and shook his head. "It's fine. Besides, how could you know? I don't exactly go around talking about myself."

"Couldn't have said it better," Yang said with a light chuckle. She sighed and leaned back in her seat, unintentionally emphasizing her already large bosom. 

"This has to be a new record for how long you've used your real voice," chimed Ruby, playing with her own hands. "I wish I had been counting, honestly."

Jacket smiled at the notion then leaned back, staring outside. The Sun's light has already sank beneath the horizon and the light of the fractured moon illuminated the city.

"Hey, sorry it took so long," Mary's voice apologized. The large silver tray in her hand being in sync with her breathing. "Here ya go!"

Yang clasped her hands together and almost glared at the food in front of them.

"Enjoy your meal!" Mary stated with gusto and a beautiful smile.

With nothing left to say, the trio dug in, eating like there was no tomorrow.

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