1x9: Adrenaline Junkie

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Jacket felt it in his bones, his muscles, and his soul. He shouldn't be here, he shouldn't doing this, not again. God knows how well that went last time. And if he does this again? Knowing full well of the risks? No, god no, never again. But what if he doesn't do this, he backs out? There's almost no telling what'll happen. No one does. Except for him. But he doesn't seem keen on helping.

"Get a grip." Right. Right... You have a job to do, so let's not stop you.

Jacket reaches inside, takes out a rooster mask, and slides it onto his head.

He takes a breath, and moves forward.

He kicks open the door. The guard in front of it alerts the others by yelling, but he punches and knocks them down.

He stomps on their head until - CRUNCH - blood and brain and bone are painting the floor and his shoe.

He presses onward.

Again, another guard is put to the ground and killed, their neck grossly contorted.

The guards, eventually, become aware of him, but that doesn't stop him. He fights and kills whoever tries to stop him.

"No, wait! Please!" One screams.

But Jacket doesn't hear them. No, instead he charges, knocking them down and strangling them. They struggle to free themselves but it's fleeting. The cold and blank expression of his mask sees them off to the next life.

They are not defenseless, however. Some carry guns and melee weapons.

They are wrong for it.

Jacket fights and kills, using their own tools of war against them.

Some plea and beg and cry for mercy, but he doesn't have any.

He is just a Messenger. And his message is death.

The killing doesn't stop until he finds the one in charge. They cower in fear.

"P-Please! I-I don't know who s-sent you but I can offer you double of what they're paying you!" They tell him.

Jacket steps toward them. They crawl away from him. Overwhelming fear chokes them.


They back themselves into a wall. Jacket stops and kneels in front of them. He reaches out, and wraps his hands around their throat. They don't fight. They only cry. When they finally die, Jacket rises and leaves, passing the chaos.

His eyes scan the bodies as he passes them.

And, he smiles, but only briefly.

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