1x4: Freebie

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"Hey, hey, buddy, looks like you've been bust since we last spoke!" Praised Richard, his stolen voice echoing through the tape recorder. "Just figured I'd drop by to see how you were doing, pal!"

Jacket stoically glared at the device while he ate a plain cheeseburger. 

"What? I say something wrong?" Richard questioned. "Talk to me here, man."

"I'm trying to eat." 

"Riiight, right. My bad, Jacket," he replied mockingly. "Enjoy your meal, buddy. After all, you never know when it could be your last."

The real person groaned in annoyance, taking another bite of his burger. Its taste being lost after such a sour encounter. 

"Hey, Jacket! What's the angry look?" Asked Yang, catching him by surprise. "Your food taste bad or somethin'?" 

He made a 'so-so' gesture in reply. 

"Well, I'll take it off your hands if you don't want it," she commented. 

"Glutton," he thought with a half-smirk and shake.

"Fine, have it your way, I guess," Yang shot back, starting on her own food. Although she barely got a bite in before her eyes got wide for a split moment. "OH! That reminds me, what piece did you grab?"

Jacket reaches in his back pocket, pulling out a small rook piece. 

"Nice!" She said pointedly. "I got the same too." She held up a matching chess piece with pearly smile. 

He put his burger down and tapped the piece then pointed between them.

 "No? I think Weiss and Blake got the same piece as us too," she answered in vague understanding. "Did Ruby grab one too? I didn't see." 

He shrugged back, taking another bite of his food. 

"Alright," Yang said with an awkward tone. "Well, if you see here, can you ask what piece she grabbed?" 

Jacket replied with a thumbs-up as she stood up, carrying her tray with her. He turns back and finishes his food. An old sense of familiarity washing over him. 

"Why do you look so mad?" 

For a brief moment, Static filled his vision, and then he was back home in his apartment. Back in Miami. 

"It's cute," she said with a laugh as he looked at her, his face softening. 

A wave of sadness, guilt, and anger washed over him at the sound of her voice. The images of her body flashing rapidly through his mind. He sank in his seat, wrapping his arms around his head and tightly shut his eyes. 

"What's the matter?" She asked, her voice intertwined with another's. "Jacket?"

His eyes snapped open as he realized who it was. 

Ruby stood with a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay? She asked. 

He took a deep breath and sat up with a nod. She seemed to buy it, this time anyway.

"Where is everyone?" She asked, sitting down across from him. "I haven't seen anyone from initiation."

Jacket shrugged in return.

"Did you see Yang, by the way?" She asked, playing with her hand. "I haven't been able to find her since she disappeared."

"How convenient. You just missed her, little red," he mused inwardly.

Jacket answered with a simple nod. He made a gesture saying she was looking for you.

Ruby smiled. "Great!" She said brightly.

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