1x7: Hangover

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Sunlight pierced the blinds and lit up Jacket's face while he laid sleeping. The chime of an alarm following shortly after, waking the soldier from his rest. He sat up, shut off the alarm, and glanced at the window. 

"Fuckin' hell," he half-mumbled in thought before swinging his legs over the side of his bed. 

Jacket stood with a low pop coming from his back while he stretched. Letting out a slightly strained sigh as he walked to the bathroom, grabbing a towel off the nearby dresser. The pearly white bathroom throwing him off from the expected sight of his old apartment bathroom. The fetid memory of seeing his murdered girlfriend gets a rigid sigh out of the usually thick-skinned assassin. Shedding his clothes, Jacket jumped in the shower and let the cold water wash over him. 

Everything felt familiar. Barely heard whispers on the edge of dozens of lips. Didn't take a genius to figure out they were about him. Jacket knew that, who wouldn't after nearly turning someone's head into minced meat and mash potatoes. Even the teacher seemed a little concerned about it all. But they can't show it. After all, they don't have to, it's written on their faces in bright red invisible ink.

"Alright, class, let's begin our second day of Grimm Studies, and blah blah blah—" Professor Port started, his voice turning to white noise while Jacket tuned him out. 

The low murmurs of students spreading the word of Jacket's actions just being audible over Port's nonsensical ramblings of an anecdotal story and half-lesson. That's not even mentioning the occasional stolen glance from someone trying to take snapshot with their eyes. Jacket was doing his best to pay them no mind, but having this kind of direct attention was nearly foreign. Especially compared to his actions in Miami.

"And that, kids, is how a King Taijitu is killed with efficiency, quick wits, and, mostly importantly, teamwork," Port concluded, the bell chiming soon after. "Class, dismissed."

Jacket sighed sharply as he rose from his seat and headed for the door. Most of the other students trying to keep their distance. Although a certain scythe-wielding prodigy wasn't afraid to approach.

"Hey Jacket!" Ruby greeted vibrantly. Her smile warming his little heart.

He smiled and waved back. "Hello," said his recorder.

"How've you been?" She asked curiously.

He sighed through his nose then made a so-so gesture. "I feel hungover. Not that you know what that means," he added in thought. 

"Oh, well, I bet your day is gonna get better!" Ruby said with clear indignation. 

Jacket half-chuckled. "Maybe. We'll see," he said inwardly. 

"Anyway, what class are you heading to?" 

"Don't know," he silently replied with a shrug. 

Ruby stared with an almost cartoonish level of confusion. "Then how're you getting to class?"

"-Room number-" He answered through his recorder. The prerecorded speech almost being indecipherable from the static of being fast-forwarded and paused.

"Ooooh, that makes sense," Ruby noted simply.

"Mhm," Jacket agreed as he walked through the giant corridor.

For a little while, an awkward silence circled them. Not to mention Ruby was looking a bit antsy. Jacket nudged her with his elbow, making her jump slightly.

"Are you okay?" Asked his recorder through spliced words.

"Uh... Y-Yeah! I'm totally fine!" She replied with a smile.

Jacket stared at her with an unintentionally judgmental gaze before giving a shrug. Ruby hung back as she sighed and slouched while comically wiping her forehead.

"So intense," Ruby mumbled shallowly, then going to catch up with Jacket. "So uh... about yesterday-"

"Ruby!" Shouted Yang. Her smile faltering as her violet eyes caught on Jacket. Even her expression changed to one of fear for only a split moment. 

"Hey, Yang! You finally caught up!" Her sister teased. That signature childish smile plastered on her face. 

"Y-Yeah," Yang said. "I guess so."

Jacket stood by as she approached with Weiss and Blake joining shortly after. His cold, judgmental gaze sent chills down their spines. Although it didn't last as he walked away in his usual silence thereafter.

"We should get to class," Blake chimed, following in Jacket's steps.

"Oh, c'mon, it's not like we're gonna late-"

The sudden, and perfectly timed, ring of the bell echoed through the halls. The three stared at Yang with varying expressions.

"I told you so."

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