4x1: New Mission

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Beneath the morning sun, Fritz stands rigidly with a cigarette and a halo of smoke above his head. His baseball bat rests on the tent behind him, waiting patiently by his leg while he takes another puff from his cigarette. Then, his right ear pricks up as heavy footsteps approach him. He peaks around the corner, seeing an Altesian Soldier before him. 

"Hey, Jacket, the Sergeant wants to see you," says the soldier. 

He nods, dropping his cancer stick and putting it out with the rest, trailing behind him afterward and taking his bat. Muffled chatter fills the air circulating amongst the many tents throughout the camp. As they walk, Mary waves at him from their tent, a half-formed smile on her face. Fritz waves back, wearing a stoic yet gentle expression. Although from his peripheral, he spots her other hand in her lap, slightly shaking. He sighs inwardly and turns back to his guide, only to stop a few tents from theirs. 

"So, you're the one Ironwood spoke of," said the Sergent, who crossed his arms while his eyes scanned him. "Well, I can't say I'm not a little bit disappointed." He leans in toward him. "I thought you'd be taller." 

"Sorry to disappoint, sir." 

The commanding officer waves him off, saying, "don't worry about it. Besides, I didn't ask for you so that I could judge you. I'm Master Sergeant Adam J. Williams." He extended a hand over the large table between them. 

"Special Forces, Richard Fritz, sir. But Fritz will do." 

"I was informed that you were one of Ozpin's top operatives. I suppose that warrants the 'Special Forces' title, hm?" Adam cracked a smile as he shook his head. "Just light ribbing, son. So, with introductions out of the way, I should ask if you've any idea who hit us." 

"I do, sir. I know three, possibly four, culprits, although one is not entirely a part of this tragedy." 

"Then let it out."

"First, Roman Torchwick. He's responsible for supplying the White Fang with their dust and most, if not all, dust robberies within Vale. Second, Adam Taurus. He leads the group of White Fang cooperating with Roman. Third is an unnamed woman. She's managed to pose as one of the transfer students and infiltrated Beacon, disrupting its systems. She's likely responsible for the virus that turned the machines against Atlas soldiers. Lastly is the current White Fang leader, Sienna Khan." 

Adam cocked a brow. "Khan? What's she got to do with this? And this nameless assailant? What's her deal? Other than being the one who cracked our systems."  

"I'll explain Khan in a moment, sir, but our assailant is a bit more tricky," Fritz replied. 

"Then get to it," demands the commanding officer. "You've got me interested now."

"I mention Sienna because she can lead us to Adam. And if we can get to Adam, we may find our way to Roman, and so on." Momentarily, Fritz pauses, pondering on how to explain the nameless assailant dilemma. "This mystery woman won't be easy to track down, which I'm sure you're already aware of, but I'm certain, given time, we'll find her." 

"And how exactly do you plan on getting to Sienna? As far I'm aware, any knowledge of her whereabouts is particularly sparse."

"That's why I'll go to Menagerie. I'll find Ghira Belladonna and get the information I need." 

 Adam's eyes widen, and his jaw goes slack. Then, just as quickly, he composes himself, changes his posture, and paces back and forth while considering his plan. "Son, do you have any of what you're proposing?"

"Of course, sir. I wouldn't have said if I hadn't." Fritz breathes and sets his hands on the Master Sergeant's table. "Sir, if we're to have some way to find those responsible for the senseless killing of innocent men, women, and children, then I implore you to let me do this."

Adam stepped back, turned away, and began to weigh his choices.

"I'll leave you to decide, Master Sergeant," Fritz told him. 

Then, leaving the tent, he shielded his eyes from the sun and returned to his tent, seeing Mary fast asleep on her cot. He stared at her briefly before following suit—lying down in his with a hefty sigh. But, just before attempting to sleep, Fritz scrutinized the bright blue motorcycle helmet, taking in every minor detail. 

"I think I get it now," he thought. "You were looking for answers then, hm? Well, I suppose it's high time I started to do the same."

"Sarge, you can't seriously be considering this, are you?" 

"Dammit, Corporal, what other choices do we have? Whoever did this needs to be found ASAP, and I don't know if you've noticed, but we are in no condition to do so. Besides, you heard him; he's Special Forces. If anyone's qualified for this, it's him." 

"Just... shouldn't we contact General Ironwood before making any decision?"

"I'd love to, but with comms down and all these civilians, I don't want to risk causing any panic." Then, with a heavy sigh and shake of his head, Master Sergeant Adam motioned to one of his soldiers. "Let him know I'd like to see him." The soldier heeds his direction and exits the tent. "I'm sorry, Corporal, but our first and foremost concern should be getting these civis out of here. Let Special Forces take care of the heavy lifting."

"You wanted to see me, Master Sergeant?"

"I did because I'm sanctioning this operation of yours. So I'll be sending you with one of my Bullheads to Menagerie."

Fritz's brow furrowed, and his eyes narrowed on him. "Are you certain, sir?"

Master Sergeant Adam nodded, circling his table, reaffirming his answer. "Very much so. I can spare one, and besides, this hideaway we've cut out is serving its purpose and has little Grimm activity. You also clarified that you are, if not the most qualified to undergo this mission. And, well, you've already got a plan in mind, don't you?" 

"Of course," Fritz confirmed with a quick nod. "Although I have some things to work out and pieces to fine-tune."

"Then you have time to get everything in order before I send you out. But be warned. I'll escort these people to Atlas after you're sent to Menegarie, okay?" 

"Understood, sir." 

"Then dismissed, soldier!"

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